So, I was pretty happy with GH on Tuesday and Wednesday. I got some great JaSam, and some Sam with her family. I love it. I think we've finally caught up to KeMo as far as filming schedule goes, so, other than her Africa thing, I think we're good to go on that front. So I was pretty happy through mid-week.
And then came Thursday. And I was a very unhappy camper. It probably was partially to do with me being super tired, slightly hung over, and already a little pissy. (I'd had about a million travel fiascos on my way back to the burbs from the city.) But I was not interested in a single thing that was going on. Every story line was boring me to the point of anger. I turned the whole thing off ten minutes early and deleted it.
On Friday, I was poised to delete without watching unless someone told me Sam was on. She was, and I think that's fortunate. I still am completely uninterested in every story line, but I made a discovery. I'm not hating on the characters so much right now. With the exception of Sonny, who is just a scum bag, I'm pretty ok with them. I don't love them all, but no one is making me want to light myself on fire. Just the writers are doing that.
Michael is actually not letting everyone around him coddle and spoil and justify for him (though Mac is an idiot, they had literally nothing to arrest him on), so for now, I'm ok with him. I'm still wary, cause my hate for that one was strong. Claudia, I'm feeling sympathy for (good job, SJB), so, while I don't expect a sudden change right now, I don't hate her. Kristina is doing the wrong thing, but I can understand her, and I loved her stuff with Sam yesterday. The only person I really hate is the Mayor's wife, and I'm supposed to.
It's not all sunshine and bunnies, obviously. I'm sure when Spixie comes back, they'll continue to annoy me. Same for Rebecca and Ethan. I wish Jason would have told Sonny where to go when he told him to go "break up" with Olivia. And Olivia's insistance on destroying the hotness that is Jolivia for whatever she's feeling about Sonny is obnoxious. (Not to mention Sonny himself.) But that's all pretty minor considering I usually hate just about everyone. Of course, I hate the plots, and the writing sucks, but, you know, one small step. And I'll cross my fingers that the writers will take a few more.
Random love? Johnny was adorable with Morgan.