Saturday, September 5, 2009

We all fail. Just sayin.

Soo, it's been a really long time since any of us posted. Which is lame because GH has been getting good lately, and JaSam have been awkwardly awesome. I have no excuse, as I do absolutely nothing all day every day. But, whatevs, I'm posting now.

So, carnival, fuckawesome. I love it. Friday's episode was fun all around. The dunk-a-hunk was great. Everyone was totally cute in it. Even people who I usually find boring (Scrubs) and people who I usually hate (Sonny). Molly is totally my girl. She cleaned up. Plus we got to see some very sexy men in wet t-shirts. (Not included in the sexy category? Ethan. Ick, Milo Ventimiglia crooked-faced lookalike. No offense Nathan Parsons. [Haha, yeah, there's no way that's not offensive. Sorry dude.]) The whole carnival was just all-around fun, and I know we're gonna get to the dramz on Tuesday, but for now, I'm going to revel in the happy times of all the cast just chillin' in the same vicinity and having a good time. Big thumbs up, GH. (Niz/Becca/Lucky the doof fails, but that was very minimal.)

My new love is Dante/Lulu. They are unadulterated chemistry and adorable. Dominic Zamprogna seems to have chemistry with everyone he is in a scene with. He's fantastic, and the writing team is actually doing a fantastic job with a newb for once. It's weird to like Lulu this much, especially when i want to poke Maxie's eyes out half the time, but I'm just gonna go with it cause Dante/Lulu make me smile big time. I love the playfulness, and, I don't care what any character says, Dante's cockiness is nothing like Sonny's. His is totally a playful, self-deprecating cockiness. It sexy and sweet. I also totally loved the Lulu/Carly/Olivia girl talk. GH doesn't do fun stuff like that enough. Dante/Lulu and Dante himself are pure awesome.

And, of course, I can't post after this long without mentioning the total love and sex and squee that is JaSam. The love scene was sexy in JaSam's usual understated way. Honestly, the first day of it, with just him cleaning the grease off of her and the kiss was hotter than the next day with the shirtless and everything. Although, straddle kiss and neck kissage was definitely hot in its own right. The whole thing was just fantastic straight through to the awkwardness then and the awkwardness now. They're so totally in love and they don't know what to do with themselves. Jason can't be in the same vicinity as Sam without wanting to devour her. He looks at her with total sex in his eyes. Poor boy has been left with blue balls every day this week. I love my old school JaSam, but did we need to bring back the interruptions so thoroughly?

I can't wait for next week.

PS, and also, he wants to go with *her*. Gah. Love.

Ok. That's all. I'll try to be better about posting.


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