Friday, June 26, 2009

This Show Needs More Blind-folds

So, there was a lot I really liked about today. There was some I didn't like too, but that's a given lately, and I choose to focus on the positive.

1] I loved Kristina saying that his kids aren't exactly Sonny's priority. It's so true, and this show spends way too much time talking about how much he loves his kids without showing it. There's been a lot of people calling out Sonny on his crap lately (though not to his face), and I'm sure it's not going to last, but, for the time being, I'm going to enjoy it. I could have kissed Johnny yesterday when he was talking about Sonny taking advantage of Jason when he was a lost, brain-damaged kid. Love.

2] LnL2 + kids + Jason. At first, I was really confused. I didn't get the point. It certainly wasn't about Jiz, there were no longing looks, nothing. So, I wasn't sure why they put the scene in there, when they've been trying to make us forget that Jason has a kid. And then Liz started talking about how Lucky was projecting his anger about her cheating with Jason and Jake not being his on Ethan, and I died laughing. Jason was an LnL2 prop, and I couldn't love that more.

3] I hate Michael, but, from the beginning, I've wanted this story to be a Quartermaine story, and I couldn't be happier that it is Carly's initiative that is bringing it there. Loved Jason with Monica as well.

4] OMG, blind-folded sexy time. Jolivia is too sexy, and I love it.

5] In a love-to-hate kind of way, Sonny was hilarious with Michael, telling him he was just like him. He totally is, but not in all the ways that Sonny so proudly told him. They're both such arrogant self-centered pricks, that it was kinda perfect.

In general, I enjoyed the episode and was able to ignore the things I didn't. So thumbs up to GH for today.

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Banner

Thank you Margo (Angel99 at Glamorous Banners) for the fantastic new banner. So talented. We appreciate it! To check out her work, click the button below.


Daily Preview

General Hospital: Monday, June 22

Rebecca runs away from Nikolas.

Nikolas doesn’t get the response he’s looking for.

Jason and Johnny are ambushed.

Jason and Johnny fight for their lives.

Jason doesn’t think Michael is safe at Sonny’s.

Jax restrains Michael.

Carly and Jax reach a decision about Michael.

Michael sneaks out.

Morgan’s life is in danger.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Things I didn't care about today:


Things I cared about today:

So, I had kind of a love/hate relationship with today. As in, I loved one thing, hated one, and couldn't have cared less about the rest.

Let's start with hate, because, really, that's more interesting. This whole thing with Matt is making me hate characters I previously liked. Brain surgery is a big deal. Patients die. All the time. Through no fault of any doctor. It is the right of that patient's family to find out if there was anything that could have been done to change the outcome of the surgery, to see if their loved one could have survived. That's fine. What's not fine? Diane PNLing in a *bar*, being a totally unprofessional bitch. Waving a dead patient in front of a doctor's face and going nah-nah-nah-nah isn't even a good technique. It's just cruel. And they were acting like Matt deserved it.

But Diane is a caricature, always has been, it's just that usually I find it funny. Patrick and just Scrubs in general really got me fired up. I don't think it would have been possible for Patrick to be more condescending if he tried. He didn't say, "I talked to the nurses, and you did everything right, this isn't your fault." He said, "It isn't your fault. I should have known you were an incompetent patient killer." Dick head. They *knew* there was something off with her injury, so shut up. Every scene with Patrick and Robin made me more and more sure that this whole thing is going to turn into a Scrubs story and I'm going to have to endure Matt being humiliated for the sake of every other character before being shoved back on the back burner. And considering he's one of the only characters I like lately? Boo. Prove me wrong GH. Give my boy a story line worthy of his loveableness.

And now, love. Though I agree with Kelli that Jason was pretty selfish. They spent two minutes on Sam before yet another conversation about the little shit that could. (IDK, maybe I'm supposed to have sympathy for him now, but it's all so damn manipulative. At least Kristina is completely upfront about her manipulation.) Even with that, I loved the Jason and Sam scenes. Sure they talked about Michael yet again, and sure they had to spend some of that time talking about Spinelli's balls (sorry Kel), but they're just so pretty together, and they talk and they listen, things that they tend to only get from each other, and I just have to love it. Plus, Kelly was looking beeeeutiful today (even moreso than usual). And Steve is looking sexier than he has in years. So, yeah, love.

Also, Johnny and Olivia are still sexy. I enjoy watching them. Next step is caring. Work on that, writers.


(PS, in case my silly photoshop is unclear. Matt has a heart. Everything else is blood.)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Daily Preview

Wednesday, June 17:

Tracy catches Ethan and Rebecca together.

Maxie and Spinelli set out to solve a mystery.

Diane suspects that Alexis is up to something.

Robin and Patrick hit the showers for practical reasons.

Mac wants Robin to talk some sense into Maxie.

Robin learns the mayor’s wife hired Sam.

Nikolas is torn in regards to Rebecca.

In The End, Love Will Win Out

The first segment was the best part of the entire show. No lie. I was like giddy in my seat the entire time. I laugh every time Diane calls Spinelli "Mr. Grasshopper" and today was no exception (although Diane did annoy me the rest of the way. Major. Bitch.) Nancy is looking absolutely fabulous. I LOVE any scene that has Johnny and Matt wrestling around together. And yay! Olivia, showed up. That was one of my wishes from yesterday.

Then, of course, they start us out right away with the best yet.. JASAM!

I'm glad he asked Sam right away if she was okay but I still feel like that he's being sort of selfish. He's so focused on himself and his own problems. I don't like that he can go to her with ALL of his problems but they can't have a single conversation about their past or him threatening to kill her.

The rest of the show was pretty much down hill from there.

I don't care at all about Nikolas/Rebecca/Ethan. I like Nikolas. I like Ethan. I don't like Rebecca.. and pairing her with either of them ruins them for me.

I loved all the Johnny and Olivia stuff we got. Especially the piano. Do. Me. Now. They are hot. And on top of that.. they are kinda cute too.

I like Michael (and Drew, for that matter) but he's driving me insane. I get his anger.. probably better than I do Kristina's. She's just an attention whore. Everybody in Port Charles has daddy issues. Nothing about her stands out in the crowd to me. But Michael's whining has got to. He takes everything the wrong way. Carly's pregnant so she's replacing him. Carly wasn't there when she woke up, so she must not care as much. Carly never gave up on him therefore he should live with her, so he's her prize. Get over yourself. You weren't that important before the coma, what makes you think you're that important after it?

And for God's sake.. Can we PLEASE drop the whole subject of Spinelli's hairless balls? It's awkward and makes me uncomfortable. I have a vivid imagination and that is not something I want a mental picture of.

Back to the rest of Jasam. As selfish as Jason's being, I love that Sam completely understands him and is offering her own advice and thoughts to his problems. And they had a major anvil in there at the end of the scenes. "In the end, love will win out." And lastly, I loved the scene with Jason, Sam, Spinelli and Maxie all

Here's to hoping for more Jasam tomorrow!

GH Alum Returns to Former Role

(via, SID)

Sorry, GENERAL HOSPITAL fans. Wally Kurth will not be reprising the role of Ned this summer — instead, the soap veteran will be returning to DAYS OF OUR LIVES as Justin Kiriakis, the role he played from 1987-’91. "Yes, Wally is returning in August," confirms a DAYS spokesperson. "Stay tuned as to why and how he'll return to Salem."


I was pretty much meh through every part of today's episode. So, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to do commentary. Here's hoping the JaSam tomorrow will be excellent. (Sexy time?)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Daily Preview

Tuesday, June 16:

Ric stirs up trouble between Sonny and Claudia.

Jason confides in Sam about his concerns for Michael.

Michael fears he’ll end up attacking someone he loves.

Sam reveals she was hired by the mayor’s wife to prove he was cheating on her.

Patrick gives Diane more ammunition in her case.

Disappointment at Its Best

Sigh. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed with today's episode. Of course I was.. just by being excited for it I set myself up for the downfall.

I was happy that it started straight out with a Carly apology. She was hella harsh to Jason on Friday. I love the Jarly friendship but if they ever turn romantic again, it'd creep me out. BTW, I'm not really a big fan of Laura's hair cut. I love her long hair and miss it already!

I hate to love the Michael and Kristina scenes. I think I like them so much because they are brother and sister and we don't get too much of that on the show. Sure, we get the Spencer clan but usually they are all too wrapped up in themselves to care about each other. And Lulu couldn't be a worse sister to Lucky if she tried. And of course we get the Ziblings. But Claudia and Johnny's creepy chemistry is way too much for me. I guess I should be glad that I missed the day that Michael called Kristina a babe.

As much as I like their scenes, I can't stand Kristina. She continues to act as if she's God's gift. She shows no respect to anybody. I can't help but feel that it's all going to come back and bite her in the ass. As horrible as it is, I smell rape all over this storyline.

While I'm discussing things I don't like.. I don't care for Ethan and Rebecca together. At all. I hate newbies together and even more when I don't like one or both of them. And I still don't care about Scrubs. They could put me to sleep with all their mind numbing scenes.

I can't figure out if Claudia's just a really good liar or if she's a pathological liar. Ya know, where she lies so much that she convinces herself that what she's saying is the truth. She's so back and forth. She's my new Faith Roscoe. I love to hate her. And I know every body's going to hate this, but I LOVE Claudia and Michael scenes. Not because I think they are cute or sweet or anything.. but because I know it's all going to blow up.

Now onto some of my favorite parts..

The way Spinelli keeps making eyes at Johnny every time they share scenes makes me wonder what he's more worried about: Maxie's attraction to Johnny or his own attraction to Johnny.

COLEMAN! Sigh. I love Coleman and his Coleman-ness. He's such a scene stealer. Even better? Alexis and Coleman. It makes me very happy. And the little shots of Johnny in the background don't hurt it a bit.

Speaking of.. Holy hell. Johnny Z on his piano. *fans self* How hot is that? I knew I loved him for a reason. I kept hoping Olivia would show up and we'd get some piano lovin'.. I guess there's always tomorrow..

I don't care who he's with or what he's doing. I freaking love Matt Hunter. I'm not a Matt and Maxie shipper but I loved his opening line too. What a man.. *sigh*

I loved every bit of the Spinelli/Matt/Johnny fight. What's not to love when you get Matt and Johnny in scenes together?

And FINALLY. I waited nearly 45 minutes for a single Sam scene and all I got to see was her being man handled. I swear the writers forget that she fended for herself for years before she showed up in Port Charles. You'd think she'd be able to get out of that without Jason's help.

Not that I can complain that much. I happen to love that it gave us an opening for a Jasam scene. Although the whole set up was totally dumb. A cop comes in, on the mayors orders I might add, and uses violence to force her hand.. and she's afraid that both she and Jason could go to jail for knocking him out? It's call self-defense. And I'm sure with the certain level of danger her job entails, she's got security cameras around her office to prove her point. But ya know what? If it gives me more Jasam.. I'm all for this. Just give me Jason and Sam together again tomorrow and I swear I won't complain.

Daily Preview

Monday, June 15:

Sonny has a change of heart towards Claudia.

Matt continues to push Robin and Patrick away.

Sam is in over her head when she takes on a new case.

Claudia suggests Michael live with Carly.

Jason comes to Sam’s rescue, which could lead to more trouble.

Matt and Spinelli both get beat up.

Coleman calls Patrick to come to Jake’s.

The mayor wants Diane to drop the case.

Patrick has regrets.
Three things:
1) Matt is on there TWICE! Hopefully that means he'll be pulling some major screen time today. I really want him around more (and not just in the Scrubs story).
2) Coleman's on today! Weeeeeeeee..! He's always so fun.
3) JASAM!!

I have high hopes for today's episode. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I Miss The Good Days

I know- three posts in one day. Don't worry, I'll try not to repeat everything they just said. I kind of lied to you though when I said I would be watching daily now. Oops. You can't really blame though, can you? But I did devote multiple hours today to catching up on everything I missed this week. And I have been keeping a constant watch on the Jasam/Sam scenes. Too bad not much has happened.

That's the problem, I think. Do the writers not know how to evolve a storyline? Because we get tons and tons of prep time for every storyline.. and then no follow through. Dante has been building for what.. a year now? Where is he? And more importantly, how many of us don't care anymore? And Michael? I know, I know.. he just woke up. But I can only handle so much of the angsty emo teen scene at one time.. and between he and Kristina.. we're on overload. One of them needs to snap out of it. We've all seen or heard about the transformation from Jason Quartermaine to Jason Morgan. I really don't need to see the 2.0 version with Michael.

Speaking of Jason.. Why must they ruin my Jasam by making them babysit the Mickey Mouse club? Why do Michael and Kristina have more of a storyline than two of the most prominent actors? Why are we investing so much into new people instead of fixing what we already have? I like Drew.. I think the NuKristina is a perfect fit.. but what makes them more important than the already famed Jason Cook? Why shouldn't Matt get a good story after being on screen for a year, propping up one of the most boring couples (which, in case you didn't realize, is Scrubs).

On top of that, why can't they come up with something original? Something that we haven't touched base on or that isn't referred to in every other script. We need a gay relationship.. or the hot older lady with the fabulously sexy younger guy.. Oooh wait.. We do have that one.

Jolivia are smokin'. Seriously, I was beginning to doubt TPTB's capabilities (okay, so that's another lie. I already doubted them but they've provided a bit of redemption with this tasty treat). They actually did something right for once. Johnny and Olivia together are light and fun and steaming up TV's everywhere. And I'm so glad that in the midst of all this mind numbing bore, we've been giving a reprieve through them. It's kind of a shame that they had to use 2 of the most insignificant characters around right now though. That can only mean they aren't going to be around too long.

With all these newbs on and absolutely no interesting storylines, I'm heartbroken to see Rick Hearst go. I've been expecting it for awhile.. but the closer his departure gets, the less cooperative my head is being. Why are we letting an Emmy winning actor leave while we continue to take in these no named newbs with next to zero acting experience? Why are we getting rid of a character who actually spices up the screen and in returning keeping Luke
Spencer II around? (No offense, Nathan fans. I'm actually quite partial to the sexiness that is him myself..) Ric's inevitable demise aside, I actually like him right now. I don't know if he's supposed to be the bad guy at the moment or not. I think he's supposed to not care.. and it's working. It makes me want Claud's baby to be his. Anything would be better than Sonny getting yet another child (I think it's time for somebody to get snipped, btw). After all the whining he does, he needs to be brought down a peg or two.. though if we do that, he'd be lucky to reach Claudia's knees.

I was watching clips from 3 and 4 years ago the other day and I just kept thinking.. 'Where is this excitement now?' I'm waiting for the day that a storyline reaches out and grabs me like they used to. Til then, we're stuck fast forwarding through 95% of the show. But who knows, maybe these new actors will take us back to the good days where we actually anticipated 3 o'clock everyday. I'm not betting on it though.

On the plus side? KeMo's done with PeepShow. Welcome back, Kelly! You have absolutely NO idea how much we've missed you.

Watching this show is like a chore lately....

So I haven't posted in a really long time, I apologize. Thing's got busy for me, what with the school semester ending, I'm in a musical, and work, I've hardly had time to watch General Hospital, let alone blog about it. But I'm going to attempt to get back on track here, so I guess I'll post a few of my thoughts now, to get you all up to speed on what I am thinking.

Let's start with the new SORAS-ed kiddies. I love Drew, NuMichael. I think he's a nice looking kid (who, according to Sarah Joy Brown, is 20 years old, so I don't feel like a creeper saying that), and that he has talent in expressing Michael's feelings of confusion, rage, anxiety, everything this poor kid's feeling. That being said, I want to punch Michael in the face. I get that he had a personality shift and blah blah blah, but why on earth must you be a big bitcho to Carly, but then go and kiss the ground on which Sonny walks on? If you're going to be mad, fine. Be mad. At both of them. But to randomly hate Carly and love Sonny, what the hell, dude? "It's my fault you got shot." "Oh. Well, that's okay, shit happens." What. The. Hell.

Which brings me to Kristina. I hope she stays pissed at Sonny and doesn't join Michael in the Sonny Lover's Club. I actually like NuKristina a lot, although I really miss Kali. She was the cutest little girl ever and the perfect Kristina. But now Kristina's 16 (is she 16? She said she was sophomore class president, so I just assumed...) and she is exactly how I think I'd picture her at 16. What a little rebel. But at the same time, she's a good kid. She's got the grades, the extracurriculars. It's obvious her acting out is just for attention. And while, yes, I find her annoying at times and want to punch her as much as I want to punch Michael, I understand her. I think the actress is great, too. She looks older than 16 at a glance, but then when you really get to look at her, she looks sooo young. Which is perfect. I'm interested to see her character's development.

(Oh, and if she tries to manipulate Sam again by throwing her past with Jason out in the air, I WILL punch her in the head.)

What else has happened that I can discuss. Ethan and Rebecca are working together. That's blah. I like Ethan. I don't know why, I think I've said this before. I just do. But I never got into Rebecca at all. So now that they are working together, I'm blah about the whole thing. I don't want my Ethan near that. But I guess we might as well take the two most boring storylines on GH right now and morph them together. If not only for the hell of it.

(Also, buying babies fascinates me. So when it came out that Rebecca was a black market baby, I laughed. A lot.)

CSI Scrubs. Don't care. Love me my Matt, but they totally only used him so that God Among Us Patrick wouldn't kill a patient. I guess I'm happy that it'll give Matt a storyline. But at the same time? Meh.

I used to LOVE Maxie. Now I don't pay attention when she's on screen. That makes me really sad. So I really don't know what's going on with all that. I just can't watch the character I love annoy the fuck out of me.

Claudia. Oh, Claudia. What on earth are we going to do with you, you psychotic manipulative crazy bitch. You've been written into an unsympathetic corner, and I just think you should place a hit on someone and stand next to them. That way, she'll die. Cause God knows that woman can't hire anyone who can actually hit their target. (Speaking of, I hear she tries to take Jason out, and nearly kills Johnny in the process, since he's with Jason when it happens. Dumb bitch.)

I think I've covered everything I care to cover. Kelly Monaco needs to just come back to our lives and on our T.V. screens. I miss Sam. Her presence would make this whole experience so much better for me. Le sigh.

Neurotically Yours,

A Week(ish) in Review

So, it's been awhile since anyone has posted, and, to be honest, it's mostly been the same old song and dance. This show is all about setting up storylines that never seem to happen. For the first time in awhile, it's been amusing me more than it's been pissing me off. So, that's something I guess.

NuKristina is over-acty and slightly ridiculous, but I also kinda love it. In between the over-acting, and if you look closely, you can see the little girl dressing up in what she thinks are grown-up clothes and the vulnerability every time she mentions Sonny. It's making me feel for her, and when this show can do that, I chalk it in the win collumn. Also, it was pretty damn ballsy of her to bring a joint to Michael's hospital room.

I go back on forth with NuMichael. I really do like the new actor. But then he speaks and he's such a brat. Sometimes I remember that he's like that because his father is the king of self-involved and his parents have let him get away with everything his entire life, and I try to have sympathy, but I just can't. Be less of an annoying, bratty, little shit.

Scrubs is cute. I don't care. Plus, it makes me so very grumbly bear that they brought Matt out of his moth-ball filled closet just to make him kill the patient instead of Patrick. If we don't get more Matt time out of this, I will be mega irked.

I continue to not care about Lulu/Johnny/Maxie/Spinelli. I do like Johnny when he's with Olivia. They're sexy and fun. I do not like Johnny when he's running around trying to protect Claudia.

Other things do happen on this show. I don't care about them.

Monday's Sam time was disappointing to say the least. I hate that they showed Kristina trying to manipulate Sam without showing Sam rolling her eyes and telling her that she has no chance in conning her. And was there really a point in bringing up Jason and Sam's past with absolutely no follow up? Please come back to me KeMo.