Friday, June 12, 2009

A Week(ish) in Review

So, it's been awhile since anyone has posted, and, to be honest, it's mostly been the same old song and dance. This show is all about setting up storylines that never seem to happen. For the first time in awhile, it's been amusing me more than it's been pissing me off. So, that's something I guess.

NuKristina is over-acty and slightly ridiculous, but I also kinda love it. In between the over-acting, and if you look closely, you can see the little girl dressing up in what she thinks are grown-up clothes and the vulnerability every time she mentions Sonny. It's making me feel for her, and when this show can do that, I chalk it in the win collumn. Also, it was pretty damn ballsy of her to bring a joint to Michael's hospital room.

I go back on forth with NuMichael. I really do like the new actor. But then he speaks and he's such a brat. Sometimes I remember that he's like that because his father is the king of self-involved and his parents have let him get away with everything his entire life, and I try to have sympathy, but I just can't. Be less of an annoying, bratty, little shit.

Scrubs is cute. I don't care. Plus, it makes me so very grumbly bear that they brought Matt out of his moth-ball filled closet just to make him kill the patient instead of Patrick. If we don't get more Matt time out of this, I will be mega irked.

I continue to not care about Lulu/Johnny/Maxie/Spinelli. I do like Johnny when he's with Olivia. They're sexy and fun. I do not like Johnny when he's running around trying to protect Claudia.

Other things do happen on this show. I don't care about them.

Monday's Sam time was disappointing to say the least. I hate that they showed Kristina trying to manipulate Sam without showing Sam rolling her eyes and telling her that she has no chance in conning her. And was there really a point in bringing up Jason and Sam's past with absolutely no follow up? Please come back to me KeMo.


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