Friday, June 12, 2009

Watching this show is like a chore lately....

So I haven't posted in a really long time, I apologize. Thing's got busy for me, what with the school semester ending, I'm in a musical, and work, I've hardly had time to watch General Hospital, let alone blog about it. But I'm going to attempt to get back on track here, so I guess I'll post a few of my thoughts now, to get you all up to speed on what I am thinking.

Let's start with the new SORAS-ed kiddies. I love Drew, NuMichael. I think he's a nice looking kid (who, according to Sarah Joy Brown, is 20 years old, so I don't feel like a creeper saying that), and that he has talent in expressing Michael's feelings of confusion, rage, anxiety, everything this poor kid's feeling. That being said, I want to punch Michael in the face. I get that he had a personality shift and blah blah blah, but why on earth must you be a big bitcho to Carly, but then go and kiss the ground on which Sonny walks on? If you're going to be mad, fine. Be mad. At both of them. But to randomly hate Carly and love Sonny, what the hell, dude? "It's my fault you got shot." "Oh. Well, that's okay, shit happens." What. The. Hell.

Which brings me to Kristina. I hope she stays pissed at Sonny and doesn't join Michael in the Sonny Lover's Club. I actually like NuKristina a lot, although I really miss Kali. She was the cutest little girl ever and the perfect Kristina. But now Kristina's 16 (is she 16? She said she was sophomore class president, so I just assumed...) and she is exactly how I think I'd picture her at 16. What a little rebel. But at the same time, she's a good kid. She's got the grades, the extracurriculars. It's obvious her acting out is just for attention. And while, yes, I find her annoying at times and want to punch her as much as I want to punch Michael, I understand her. I think the actress is great, too. She looks older than 16 at a glance, but then when you really get to look at her, she looks sooo young. Which is perfect. I'm interested to see her character's development.

(Oh, and if she tries to manipulate Sam again by throwing her past with Jason out in the air, I WILL punch her in the head.)

What else has happened that I can discuss. Ethan and Rebecca are working together. That's blah. I like Ethan. I don't know why, I think I've said this before. I just do. But I never got into Rebecca at all. So now that they are working together, I'm blah about the whole thing. I don't want my Ethan near that. But I guess we might as well take the two most boring storylines on GH right now and morph them together. If not only for the hell of it.

(Also, buying babies fascinates me. So when it came out that Rebecca was a black market baby, I laughed. A lot.)

CSI Scrubs. Don't care. Love me my Matt, but they totally only used him so that God Among Us Patrick wouldn't kill a patient. I guess I'm happy that it'll give Matt a storyline. But at the same time? Meh.

I used to LOVE Maxie. Now I don't pay attention when she's on screen. That makes me really sad. So I really don't know what's going on with all that. I just can't watch the character I love annoy the fuck out of me.

Claudia. Oh, Claudia. What on earth are we going to do with you, you psychotic manipulative crazy bitch. You've been written into an unsympathetic corner, and I just think you should place a hit on someone and stand next to them. That way, she'll die. Cause God knows that woman can't hire anyone who can actually hit their target. (Speaking of, I hear she tries to take Jason out, and nearly kills Johnny in the process, since he's with Jason when it happens. Dumb bitch.)

I think I've covered everything I care to cover. Kelly Monaco needs to just come back to our lives and on our T.V. screens. I miss Sam. Her presence would make this whole experience so much better for me. Le sigh.

Neurotically Yours,

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