Friday, June 12, 2009

I Miss The Good Days

I know- three posts in one day. Don't worry, I'll try not to repeat everything they just said. I kind of lied to you though when I said I would be watching daily now. Oops. You can't really blame though, can you? But I did devote multiple hours today to catching up on everything I missed this week. And I have been keeping a constant watch on the Jasam/Sam scenes. Too bad not much has happened.

That's the problem, I think. Do the writers not know how to evolve a storyline? Because we get tons and tons of prep time for every storyline.. and then no follow through. Dante has been building for what.. a year now? Where is he? And more importantly, how many of us don't care anymore? And Michael? I know, I know.. he just woke up. But I can only handle so much of the angsty emo teen scene at one time.. and between he and Kristina.. we're on overload. One of them needs to snap out of it. We've all seen or heard about the transformation from Jason Quartermaine to Jason Morgan. I really don't need to see the 2.0 version with Michael.

Speaking of Jason.. Why must they ruin my Jasam by making them babysit the Mickey Mouse club? Why do Michael and Kristina have more of a storyline than two of the most prominent actors? Why are we investing so much into new people instead of fixing what we already have? I like Drew.. I think the NuKristina is a perfect fit.. but what makes them more important than the already famed Jason Cook? Why shouldn't Matt get a good story after being on screen for a year, propping up one of the most boring couples (which, in case you didn't realize, is Scrubs).

On top of that, why can't they come up with something original? Something that we haven't touched base on or that isn't referred to in every other script. We need a gay relationship.. or the hot older lady with the fabulously sexy younger guy.. Oooh wait.. We do have that one.

Jolivia are smokin'. Seriously, I was beginning to doubt TPTB's capabilities (okay, so that's another lie. I already doubted them but they've provided a bit of redemption with this tasty treat). They actually did something right for once. Johnny and Olivia together are light and fun and steaming up TV's everywhere. And I'm so glad that in the midst of all this mind numbing bore, we've been giving a reprieve through them. It's kind of a shame that they had to use 2 of the most insignificant characters around right now though. That can only mean they aren't going to be around too long.

With all these newbs on and absolutely no interesting storylines, I'm heartbroken to see Rick Hearst go. I've been expecting it for awhile.. but the closer his departure gets, the less cooperative my head is being. Why are we letting an Emmy winning actor leave while we continue to take in these no named newbs with next to zero acting experience? Why are we getting rid of a character who actually spices up the screen and in returning keeping Luke
Spencer II around? (No offense, Nathan fans. I'm actually quite partial to the sexiness that is him myself..) Ric's inevitable demise aside, I actually like him right now. I don't know if he's supposed to be the bad guy at the moment or not. I think he's supposed to not care.. and it's working. It makes me want Claud's baby to be his. Anything would be better than Sonny getting yet another child (I think it's time for somebody to get snipped, btw). After all the whining he does, he needs to be brought down a peg or two.. though if we do that, he'd be lucky to reach Claudia's knees.

I was watching clips from 3 and 4 years ago the other day and I just kept thinking.. 'Where is this excitement now?' I'm waiting for the day that a storyline reaches out and grabs me like they used to. Til then, we're stuck fast forwarding through 95% of the show. But who knows, maybe these new actors will take us back to the good days where we actually anticipated 3 o'clock everyday. I'm not betting on it though.

On the plus side? KeMo's done with PeepShow. Welcome back, Kelly! You have absolutely NO idea how much we've missed you.

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