Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In The End, Love Will Win Out

The first segment was the best part of the entire show. No lie. I was like giddy in my seat the entire time. I laugh every time Diane calls Spinelli "Mr. Grasshopper" and today was no exception (although Diane did annoy me the rest of the way. Major. Bitch.) Nancy is looking absolutely fabulous. I LOVE any scene that has Johnny and Matt wrestling around together. And yay! Olivia, showed up. That was one of my wishes from yesterday.

Then, of course, they start us out right away with the best yet.. JASAM!

I'm glad he asked Sam right away if she was okay but I still feel like that he's being sort of selfish. He's so focused on himself and his own problems. I don't like that he can go to her with ALL of his problems but they can't have a single conversation about their past or him threatening to kill her.

The rest of the show was pretty much down hill from there.

I don't care at all about Nikolas/Rebecca/Ethan. I like Nikolas. I like Ethan. I don't like Rebecca.. and pairing her with either of them ruins them for me.

I loved all the Johnny and Olivia stuff we got. Especially the piano. Do. Me. Now. They are hot. And on top of that.. they are kinda cute too.

I like Michael (and Drew, for that matter) but he's driving me insane. I get his anger.. probably better than I do Kristina's. She's just an attention whore. Everybody in Port Charles has daddy issues. Nothing about her stands out in the crowd to me. But Michael's whining has got to. He takes everything the wrong way. Carly's pregnant so she's replacing him. Carly wasn't there when she woke up, so she must not care as much. Carly never gave up on him therefore he should live with her, so he's her prize. Get over yourself. You weren't that important before the coma, what makes you think you're that important after it?

And for God's sake.. Can we PLEASE drop the whole subject of Spinelli's hairless balls? It's awkward and makes me uncomfortable. I have a vivid imagination and that is not something I want a mental picture of.

Back to the rest of Jasam. As selfish as Jason's being, I love that Sam completely understands him and is offering her own advice and thoughts to his problems. And they had a major anvil in there at the end of the scenes. "In the end, love will win out." And lastly, I loved the scene with Jason, Sam, Spinelli and Maxie all

Here's to hoping for more Jasam tomorrow!

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