Friday, June 26, 2009

This Show Needs More Blind-folds

So, there was a lot I really liked about today. There was some I didn't like too, but that's a given lately, and I choose to focus on the positive.

1] I loved Kristina saying that his kids aren't exactly Sonny's priority. It's so true, and this show spends way too much time talking about how much he loves his kids without showing it. There's been a lot of people calling out Sonny on his crap lately (though not to his face), and I'm sure it's not going to last, but, for the time being, I'm going to enjoy it. I could have kissed Johnny yesterday when he was talking about Sonny taking advantage of Jason when he was a lost, brain-damaged kid. Love.

2] LnL2 + kids + Jason. At first, I was really confused. I didn't get the point. It certainly wasn't about Jiz, there were no longing looks, nothing. So, I wasn't sure why they put the scene in there, when they've been trying to make us forget that Jason has a kid. And then Liz started talking about how Lucky was projecting his anger about her cheating with Jason and Jake not being his on Ethan, and I died laughing. Jason was an LnL2 prop, and I couldn't love that more.

3] I hate Michael, but, from the beginning, I've wanted this story to be a Quartermaine story, and I couldn't be happier that it is Carly's initiative that is bringing it there. Loved Jason with Monica as well.

4] OMG, blind-folded sexy time. Jolivia is too sexy, and I love it.

5] In a love-to-hate kind of way, Sonny was hilarious with Michael, telling him he was just like him. He totally is, but not in all the ways that Sonny so proudly told him. They're both such arrogant self-centered pricks, that it was kinda perfect.

In general, I enjoyed the episode and was able to ignore the things I didn't. So thumbs up to GH for today.

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