Monday, June 15, 2009

Disappointment at Its Best

Sigh. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed with today's episode. Of course I was.. just by being excited for it I set myself up for the downfall.

I was happy that it started straight out with a Carly apology. She was hella harsh to Jason on Friday. I love the Jarly friendship but if they ever turn romantic again, it'd creep me out. BTW, I'm not really a big fan of Laura's hair cut. I love her long hair and miss it already!

I hate to love the Michael and Kristina scenes. I think I like them so much because they are brother and sister and we don't get too much of that on the show. Sure, we get the Spencer clan but usually they are all too wrapped up in themselves to care about each other. And Lulu couldn't be a worse sister to Lucky if she tried. And of course we get the Ziblings. But Claudia and Johnny's creepy chemistry is way too much for me. I guess I should be glad that I missed the day that Michael called Kristina a babe.

As much as I like their scenes, I can't stand Kristina. She continues to act as if she's God's gift. She shows no respect to anybody. I can't help but feel that it's all going to come back and bite her in the ass. As horrible as it is, I smell rape all over this storyline.

While I'm discussing things I don't like.. I don't care for Ethan and Rebecca together. At all. I hate newbies together and even more when I don't like one or both of them. And I still don't care about Scrubs. They could put me to sleep with all their mind numbing scenes.

I can't figure out if Claudia's just a really good liar or if she's a pathological liar. Ya know, where she lies so much that she convinces herself that what she's saying is the truth. She's so back and forth. She's my new Faith Roscoe. I love to hate her. And I know every body's going to hate this, but I LOVE Claudia and Michael scenes. Not because I think they are cute or sweet or anything.. but because I know it's all going to blow up.

Now onto some of my favorite parts..

The way Spinelli keeps making eyes at Johnny every time they share scenes makes me wonder what he's more worried about: Maxie's attraction to Johnny or his own attraction to Johnny.

COLEMAN! Sigh. I love Coleman and his Coleman-ness. He's such a scene stealer. Even better? Alexis and Coleman. It makes me very happy. And the little shots of Johnny in the background don't hurt it a bit.

Speaking of.. Holy hell. Johnny Z on his piano. *fans self* How hot is that? I knew I loved him for a reason. I kept hoping Olivia would show up and we'd get some piano lovin'.. I guess there's always tomorrow..

I don't care who he's with or what he's doing. I freaking love Matt Hunter. I'm not a Matt and Maxie shipper but I loved his opening line too. What a man.. *sigh*

I loved every bit of the Spinelli/Matt/Johnny fight. What's not to love when you get Matt and Johnny in scenes together?

And FINALLY. I waited nearly 45 minutes for a single Sam scene and all I got to see was her being man handled. I swear the writers forget that she fended for herself for years before she showed up in Port Charles. You'd think she'd be able to get out of that without Jason's help.

Not that I can complain that much. I happen to love that it gave us an opening for a Jasam scene. Although the whole set up was totally dumb. A cop comes in, on the mayors orders I might add, and uses violence to force her hand.. and she's afraid that both she and Jason could go to jail for knocking him out? It's call self-defense. And I'm sure with the certain level of danger her job entails, she's got security cameras around her office to prove her point. But ya know what? If it gives me more Jasam.. I'm all for this. Just give me Jason and Sam together again tomorrow and I swear I won't complain.

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