Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wonder of Wonders

So, yeah, I'm pretty sure I enjoyed the majority of today's episodes. I know! I was shocked, too. Now, don't get me wrong, I still hated pretty much everyone, but I was really enjoying the dynamic and laughing, and IDK, I liked it.

The one thing that didn't grab my interest at all was Scrubs. I'm glad for their fans that after the travesty that was the PPD SL that they got some nice sweet family moments that just got skipped over in all the horrendous drama. But, meh, I wasn't interested, and it felt like they were trying to redeem Robin in one episode. Emma still QT.

Instead of pissing me off, today Sonny's self-involvement was hilarious. With Olivia, he was like a petulant child, not explaining himself, but pouting when she didn't understand what he was trying to say. (Except she did, but he didn't want her to.) With Johnny, again, I laughed. If Johnny was looking for revenge, there'd have been much easier ways to get there than sleeping with someone Sonny hasn't been with since high school. Oh Sonny. Why so self-involved?

Jax with Olivia? Also hilarious. I think I like Jolivia because they make everyone around them act so ridiculous. Jolivia themselves were pretty cute, anyway. They're fun and fresh and lacking in angst. It's kinda refreshing.

I was all ready to roll my eyes at Jax when he started talking to Michael, but, y'know, it wasn't so bad. Someone had to tell Michael to stop being a brat and that he can't just get away with treating his mother like that. He should have been discpilined a long time ago. I did vaguely like him with Lulu. The two of them kinda cancel out each other's annoying.

So, let's compare sane suspicion with crazy suspicion. Alexis was great today. She was funny talking about her pension for psyhos, and I loved her trying to put off Raynor's flirting (who I also liked and I think I ship them). She's worried about Nick because the existance of Rebecca in Port Charles is suspicious. Legit. Not so legit? ONLY EMILY CAN WEAR BLUE SCRUBS AND THAT PURPLE SHIRT IS BLUE AND YOU CAN'T WEAR BLUE AND WHY ARE YOU SITTING IN EMILY'S CHAAAAAIR. Elizabeth is a jealous shrew.

I didn't pay attention to any of the other combinations of that quad: Elizabeth/Lucky, Nik/Lucky, or Nik/Rebecca. Meh.

Here's hoping Sam is on tomorrow.


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