Friday, May 15, 2009

You shouldn't be pregnant, you shouldn't even be alive...

I literally hate everyone. (Misuse of the word literally, but whatever.) But, really, why do all the characters suck so much. Everyone was all emotional and I just didn't care, with the exception of Carly and Jason. And Alexis! I'm totally loving Alexis lately. Nancy Lee Grahn is love.

Why is Olivia in Port Charles? Why is she in anyone's life? Why should I care? Why is she on my screen?

Don't care about Embecca or Nik when he's with her. So, whatever. Love Edward and Monica but blah blah blah. Ric's concern was interesting, but that character is written too unevenly for me to care that much, and, much as I'll miss him, I'm happy for Rick Hearst getting away from these writers. Lulu and Johnny? Separate and apart, a big old snooze. Lulu being there when Michael wakes up is ridiculous, but whatever. I did have to laugh at "I can't believe how much you've grown."

The Tracy/Ethan/Luke stuff is just stupid. I doubt Holly being a part of it will fix it.

The exception to the not caring? I hate Claudia. Hate her. She is a manipulative bitch, and I didn't even care that I was totally agreeing with Jason that she shouldn't be alive, and I am vehemently against capital punishment. But that bitch needs to go. (I'm sorry, Sarah Brown, you're awesome, Claudia sucks.)

I'm super negative today. The show wasn't any worse than it has been. I'm just so tired of not caring.

Laura is love.

Best news I heard today, KeMo officially has a replacement at Peepshow, so it's only a matter of time until we get her back full time.

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