Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm filled with a thing called hate.

I'm already sick of nuMichael. He clearly his father's son, self-involved little prick. Carly is the *only* one that didn't give up hope on him, and yet, apparently, the fact that she didn't sleep in his hospital room for a fucking year and wasn't at his bedside every second means that she's the only one he's mad at. Hate. I really wish this story line was being handled differently. Or that this little asshole had just stayed gone. And yet everyone is going to be catering to his whims. Someone better tell him to have a little respect.

Claudia is a despicable excuse for a human being. I mean, really, are we *sure* she's not Michael's mother? Cause she, Sonny, and the brat would make a lovely little self-involved family. I can't find one sympathetic thing with this woman. Her joy at Michael not remembering anything, lurking around where she doesn't belong. Everything. She even makes me like Johnny when he's calling her out on her shit. Thank God he has a breaking point, even with family.

Olivia is a hypocritical bitch. What exactly gives her the right to say anything to the Qs about Sonny as a father, when she herself has a Bensonhurst secret. (Why the hell doesn't she just go back to Bensonhurst? Please?) She doesn't know a single thing about the situation with the Qs, and Sonny can certainly take care of himself, so back the fuck off. And why exactly was she so wounded that she had to go off drinking?

Um, the brothers Drake are pretty? I wasn't really paying attention to them.

Oh look, Tracy bribed a lab tech. Oh look, I still have absolutely zero interest in this story line or whether or not Luke has another spawn, this one with big teeth and a terrifyingly crooked face.

I loved Jason calling Monica.

That is all. Team Carly FTW. GTFO, Brat.


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