Monday, May 4, 2009

yes. today had jasam. over 6 minutes of jasam. and it was fun and cute and serious and everything i had hoped.

now let's get them in the sack naked together, okay?

i mean, look at how cute she looked in his jacket. and he totally didn't want to leave. he wanted to stay with her and talk to her because he doesnt know it yet but he LOVES her.

also, sam keeps making subtle digs at jason about lying and such. today's was something along the lines of "you always want to hear the truth, even if it hurts." you keep making those subtle digs, girl. maybe eventually he'll pick up on the hint.

im hoping their scene continues tomorrow, i mean they did kind of leave it mid conversation, but with KeMo's show and our Sam-less episodes, it wouldn't surprise me if she isn't on the rest of the week. and that's a damn DAMN shame.

now the rest of the episode:

I guess i'm happy LnL2 are getting back together for two reasons: one, im happy for their fans, since they were teased so much during the hospital crisis. and two, it keeps Whore away from jason.

don't care about embecca/nik.

and olivia needs to stop taking up screen time.

that's pretty much all i have to say. jasam needs to continue to be on my screen.

neurotically yours,

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