Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"He's going to trust you. Like I do."

Boring, boring, Die!NuMichael!Die!, boring, JaSam! <3, boring. That's pretty much today's show. Other than JaSam, the only good thing about it was no Claudia. That was a relief. And Johnny/Olivia wasn't as gross as I thought it was going to be. Way less skeezy than Claudia/Sonny, at least. Though, still boring.

I loved the JaSam scenes. Only Jason would be brooding in the dark the day his pseudo-son came out of a coma. But I love that Sam was there to be supportive and talk to him about his worries about the whole situation. I loved her comment about things never changing: beer on the same shelf, key on the same hook, and Jason brooding in the dark. I kinda tried to block out the fact that they were discussion how best to help the little prick, though. My favorite part, though, was her telling him she trusts him. It's clear that she does, and that he trusts her, but with the way everything ended, them vocalizing that trust is crucial for reconcilliation.

They were on the whole day! :D


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