Friday, May 1, 2009

JaSam sexy time please?

Wow, could the Sam/Spin scenes have been a little more pointless? Sam as a random prop for Spinelli's continued compulsion to be a macho man is not the scenes I've been hoping for all week. But LMAO, I can't wait for Monday. That was such a JaSam way to start their scenes for next week. Naked Sam catapulted into Jason's arms. I love it. Seriously, two seconds and it totally made this episode worth it.

"Spoken like a beautiful woman who can't see the spider on her shirt." What does that mean Lucky? This is what is plaguing me after the endless Embecca/Lucky/Whore/Nik scenes. Also, I always knew Whore couldn't count to two.

If Claudia doesn't stop trying to kill people, the only people left in PC are going to be her targets. I'm glad Johnny tried to knock some sense into her. He continued to meet my expectations and be dull while doing it.

Oh, wow, I'm so shocked that Maxie's big plan is going to backfire. Just like Sam's did when she tried this. I'm not sure what they're going for with this parallel. The whole thing is stupid, though, much as I love nods to JaSam history. This is the bad kind of history.

I'm still confused as to why Carly would be stressed by Sason going after Jerry. Jax is really pissing me off. Why is he trying to protect Claudia? He could probably convince them to back off of Jerry for now if he just told them about his copy of the DVD. I really don't get his motivation right now, but it smells like betrayal. Boo.

Um, it bears repeating... Sam was totally half-naked in Jason's arms. :D


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