So, yeah, I'm pretty sure I enjoyed the majority of today's episodes. I know! I was shocked, too. Now, don't get me wrong, I still hated pretty much everyone, but I was really enjoying the dynamic and laughing, and IDK, I liked it.
The one thing that didn't grab my interest at all was Scrubs. I'm glad for their fans that after the travesty that was the PPD SL that they got some nice sweet family moments that just got skipped over in all the horrendous drama. But, meh, I wasn't interested, and it felt like they were trying to redeem Robin in one episode. Emma still QT.
Instead of pissing me off, today Sonny's self-involvement was hilarious. With Olivia, he was like a petulant child, not explaining himself, but pouting when she didn't understand what he was trying to say. (Except she did, but he didn't want her to.) With Johnny, again, I laughed. If Johnny was looking for revenge, there'd have been much easier ways to get there than sleeping with someone Sonny hasn't been with since high school. Oh Sonny. Why so self-involved?
Jax with Olivia? Also hilarious. I think I like Jolivia because they make everyone around them act so ridiculous. Jolivia themselves were pretty cute, anyway. They're fun and fresh and lacking in angst. It's kinda refreshing.
I was all ready to roll my eyes at Jax when he started talking to Michael, but, y'know, it wasn't so bad. Someone had to tell Michael to stop being a brat and that he can't just get away with treating his mother like that. He should have been discpilined a long time ago. I did vaguely like him with Lulu. The two of them kinda cancel out each other's annoying.
So, let's compare sane suspicion with crazy suspicion. Alexis was great today. She was funny talking about her pension for psyhos, and I loved her trying to put off Raynor's flirting (who I also liked and I think I ship them). She's worried about Nick because the existance of Rebecca in Port Charles is suspicious. Legit. Not so legit? ONLY EMILY CAN WEAR BLUE SCRUBS AND THAT PURPLE SHIRT IS BLUE AND YOU CAN'T WEAR BLUE AND WHY ARE YOU SITTING IN EMILY'S CHAAAAAIR. Elizabeth is a jealous shrew.
I didn't pay attention to any of the other combinations of that quad: Elizabeth/Lucky, Nik/Lucky, or Nik/Rebecca. Meh.
Here's hoping Sam is on tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
"He's going to trust you. Like I do."
Boring, boring, Die!NuMichael!Die!, boring, JaSam! <3, boring. That's pretty much today's show. Other than JaSam, the only good thing about it was no Claudia. That was a relief. And Johnny/Olivia wasn't as gross as I thought it was going to be. Way less skeezy than Claudia/Sonny, at least. Though, still boring.
I loved the JaSam scenes. Only Jason would be brooding in the dark the day his pseudo-son came out of a coma. But I love that Sam was there to be supportive and talk to him about his worries about the whole situation. I loved her comment about things never changing: beer on the same shelf, key on the same hook, and Jason brooding in the dark. I kinda tried to block out the fact that they were discussion how best to help the little prick, though. My favorite part, though, was her telling him she trusts him. It's clear that she does, and that he trusts her, but with the way everything ended, them vocalizing that trust is crucial for reconcilliation.
They were on the whole day! :D
I loved the JaSam scenes. Only Jason would be brooding in the dark the day his pseudo-son came out of a coma. But I love that Sam was there to be supportive and talk to him about his worries about the whole situation. I loved her comment about things never changing: beer on the same shelf, key on the same hook, and Jason brooding in the dark. I kinda tried to block out the fact that they were discussion how best to help the little prick, though. My favorite part, though, was her telling him she trusts him. It's clear that she does, and that he trusts her, but with the way everything ended, them vocalizing that trust is crucial for reconcilliation.
They were on the whole day! :D
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm filled with a thing called hate.
I'm already sick of nuMichael. He clearly his father's son, self-involved little prick. Carly is the *only* one that didn't give up hope on him, and yet, apparently, the fact that she didn't sleep in his hospital room for a fucking year and wasn't at his bedside every second means that she's the only one he's mad at. Hate. I really wish this story line was being handled differently. Or that this little asshole had just stayed gone. And yet everyone is going to be catering to his whims. Someone better tell him to have a little respect.
Claudia is a despicable excuse for a human being. I mean, really, are we *sure* she's not Michael's mother? Cause she, Sonny, and the brat would make a lovely little self-involved family. I can't find one sympathetic thing with this woman. Her joy at Michael not remembering anything, lurking around where she doesn't belong. Everything. She even makes me like Johnny when he's calling her out on her shit. Thank God he has a breaking point, even with family.
Olivia is a hypocritical bitch. What exactly gives her the right to say anything to the Qs about Sonny as a father, when she herself has a Bensonhurst secret. (Why the hell doesn't she just go back to Bensonhurst? Please?) She doesn't know a single thing about the situation with the Qs, and Sonny can certainly take care of himself, so back the fuck off. And why exactly was she so wounded that she had to go off drinking?
Um, the brothers Drake are pretty? I wasn't really paying attention to them.
Oh look, Tracy bribed a lab tech. Oh look, I still have absolutely zero interest in this story line or whether or not Luke has another spawn, this one with big teeth and a terrifyingly crooked face.
I loved Jason calling Monica.
That is all. Team Carly FTW. GTFO, Brat.
Claudia is a despicable excuse for a human being. I mean, really, are we *sure* she's not Michael's mother? Cause she, Sonny, and the brat would make a lovely little self-involved family. I can't find one sympathetic thing with this woman. Her joy at Michael not remembering anything, lurking around where she doesn't belong. Everything. She even makes me like Johnny when he's calling her out on her shit. Thank God he has a breaking point, even with family.
Olivia is a hypocritical bitch. What exactly gives her the right to say anything to the Qs about Sonny as a father, when she herself has a Bensonhurst secret. (Why the hell doesn't she just go back to Bensonhurst? Please?) She doesn't know a single thing about the situation with the Qs, and Sonny can certainly take care of himself, so back the fuck off. And why exactly was she so wounded that she had to go off drinking?
Um, the brothers Drake are pretty? I wasn't really paying attention to them.
Oh look, Tracy bribed a lab tech. Oh look, I still have absolutely zero interest in this story line or whether or not Luke has another spawn, this one with big teeth and a terrifyingly crooked face.
I loved Jason calling Monica.
That is all. Team Carly FTW. GTFO, Brat.
Friday, May 15, 2009
You shouldn't be pregnant, you shouldn't even be alive...
I literally hate everyone. (Misuse of the word literally, but whatever.) But, really, why do all the characters suck so much. Everyone was all emotional and I just didn't care, with the exception of Carly and Jason. And Alexis! I'm totally loving Alexis lately. Nancy Lee Grahn is love.
Why is Olivia in Port Charles? Why is she in anyone's life? Why should I care? Why is she on my screen?
Don't care about Embecca or Nik when he's with her. So, whatever. Love Edward and Monica but blah blah blah. Ric's concern was interesting, but that character is written too unevenly for me to care that much, and, much as I'll miss him, I'm happy for Rick Hearst getting away from these writers. Lulu and Johnny? Separate and apart, a big old snooze. Lulu being there when Michael wakes up is ridiculous, but whatever. I did have to laugh at "I can't believe how much you've grown."
The Tracy/Ethan/Luke stuff is just stupid. I doubt Holly being a part of it will fix it.
The exception to the not caring? I hate Claudia. Hate her. She is a manipulative bitch, and I didn't even care that I was totally agreeing with Jason that she shouldn't be alive, and I am vehemently against capital punishment. But that bitch needs to go. (I'm sorry, Sarah Brown, you're awesome, Claudia sucks.)
I'm super negative today. The show wasn't any worse than it has been. I'm just so tired of not caring.
Laura is love.
Best news I heard today, KeMo officially has a replacement at Peepshow, so it's only a matter of time until we get her back full time.
Why is Olivia in Port Charles? Why is she in anyone's life? Why should I care? Why is she on my screen?
Don't care about Embecca or Nik when he's with her. So, whatever. Love Edward and Monica but blah blah blah. Ric's concern was interesting, but that character is written too unevenly for me to care that much, and, much as I'll miss him, I'm happy for Rick Hearst getting away from these writers. Lulu and Johnny? Separate and apart, a big old snooze. Lulu being there when Michael wakes up is ridiculous, but whatever. I did have to laugh at "I can't believe how much you've grown."
The Tracy/Ethan/Luke stuff is just stupid. I doubt Holly being a part of it will fix it.
The exception to the not caring? I hate Claudia. Hate her. She is a manipulative bitch, and I didn't even care that I was totally agreeing with Jason that she shouldn't be alive, and I am vehemently against capital punishment. But that bitch needs to go. (I'm sorry, Sarah Brown, you're awesome, Claudia sucks.)
I'm super negative today. The show wasn't any worse than it has been. I'm just so tired of not caring.
Laura is love.
Best news I heard today, KeMo officially has a replacement at Peepshow, so it's only a matter of time until we get her back full time.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'm late with this...
So far this week I have only watched the JaSam scenes from Monday, and that will probably continue for another week or so. This isn't to do with the quality of the show, though I'm sure it is still barely watchable on the whole, but because I have some family things going on, and I just can't watch the whole show unless I have good reason to. So, since we probably won't get more JaSam (or Sam at all) this week, this might be my only post. Unless I think of something random that amuses me.
Monday's JaSam scenes were fantastic. They had me in all grins. Sam wearing Jason's jacket was too adorable for words, and, not gonna lie, I was squeeing like a dorky fangirl at Sam wearing anything of Jason's clothes. Plus, as Kel said, they kept showing her legs, and they are hot.
I loved that Jason just didn't want to leave. He made the joke about protecting her from angry girlfriends and then was so reluctant when she told him she was fine. This, to me, is good enough proof that on Friday, when Jason picked up the phone and then changed his mind before leaving the pent house, he was going to call Sam. He wanted to talk to her about this stuff with Claudia and Sonny. Sam has always been one of the only people (if not the only person) he can talk to about his emotions. He's everyone's rock, she's his. I think he must be so relieved to have her to talk to again, even if it is still a little bit awkward for him to go to her.
Also, how long has it been since we've seen Jason smile so much. He was so adorable grinning all over the place while Sam was telling her story. I *love* that they've brought back fun and flirty and adorable JaSam.
I was so hopeful that maybe we'd get some scenes Tuesday, too, since the scenes ended mid-convo. Unfortunately hope is a fickle friend in these days of Peepshow. Come back to us, Kelly!
I loved the scenes, now let's have sexy time.
Um, if I'm missing two men and a baby scenes, I'm sorry, Matt. I still love you!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Real Effort
Okay, so Amanda keeps giving me shit about my lack of effort in my posts. I said I was going to start watching full episodes again and I half assed it. So your welcome, Amanda, in advance for todays post. I stayed up after work to watch the 9am airing on soapnet. And I watched the entire thing.. some parts twice. Ha.
Okay first of all- I don't give a shit about the new quad. But I laughed my ass off when at the end of the Lucky/NuEmily scene it was all:
Lucky: I still have feelings for Whore.Bahaha. In all honesty (and I can't believe I'm thinking this), I didn't hate Whore today. But she's still too easy to make fun of, so she gets majority of my bashing. I love that she called herself self-righteous. Oh, how right you are.
Whore: Ugh.
Patrick: I thought love was just an excuse to get women in bed.Which, by the way, Whore was totally making her drunk ONS sex eyes at Patrick the entire time.
Whore: Isn't it?
Patrick: Can I get you anything for a change?How weird is it that as soon as that happened, Patrick totally looked old like whoa. What is it about Whore that makes all the men she's with ugly? Do they have to fugly them up so she looks better or something?
Whore: Why yes, Patrick. You can give me my next ONS baby.
The LnL2 dialogue was actually really really cute. But then I went back and re-watched the scenes and actually watched while I listened and it totally ruined it for me. Why oh why is my Greg so fugly now? *weeps* I think they wanted to make LnL2 seem like Whore never cared about Jason as much as she does Lucky. I'm not seeing that yet. I hope they fix it.
Um, Nem 2.0 still have chemistry. That's about all I care about them. Their last 2 scenes were cute, sort of. I guess. Rebecca's look has grown on me. So if they decide to bring "Emily" back, I hope they don't go back to that boring look. Maybe they could find a happy medium. And hello Drunk!Nikolas. Do me now.
Johnny's faux-fight scene was absolutely hilarious. I laughed out loud, twice. But I love when he goes all psycho. Brandon's all sexy when he plays pent up. Seriously, forget Spinelli and Maxie. Just give me more of crazy Johnny. I've hated Lulu/Jolu for a long time, so it gets me really excited to see Johnny so into Maxie. Because it's clear to me that he is into her as more than just the girl he's using to fuck up his relationship with Lulu. I called this shit last summer. I love them together. Reminds me of Jasam 2.0. Sigh. I won't hold my breath on it though. I have a feeling all I'll be seeing this summer is Spixie and M&M, unfortunately. I just LOVE Johnny to death. He's all up on Maxie, but he still tries to help her with Spinelli every chance he gets. He's the mobster with a heart. See! He's a mini-Jason. *swoon*
The Sonny/Jax pissing contest needs to go. I'm bored of it. I hope it's setting something up good. I'd say CarSon, but Sonny's still off his rocker, so that'd be blah. Maurice's acting is on again, or at least getting there, but Sonny's still too bat shit for me to like him again. Strangely enough, Claudia had all good points until she started crooning on about her demon spawn. And, seriously, could Sonny be any more disrespectful.
Sonny: Bitch, I said bark.I don't care about Olivia at all. But she did look good in that blue dress. And she gave good advice. Sonny, everybody's telling you to back off. Do you think you should back off or back off?
Claudia: I love it when you talk dirty.
Oh, and is Olivia's apartment Sam's loft? *twirls beard*
And finally- FINALLY- Jasam. Sigh. I've got this insane urge to jump Jason. And I haven't felt that in WAY too long.
Sam: Thank you. I'm really grateful for the rescue, but I think the danger has passed. And besides, my car is here, so --It's so good to see Jason smiling, laughing and joking again. Especially with Sam. It's so natural and all that shit. Sigh. Stelly still got it. And hearing Jason say Sam's name like he did makes me imagine Jasam sexy time. Is that just me? Damn. And after all those complaints from Whore fans about Peepshow, I LOVE how they kept Sam's legs in the shot at all times. That's like GH sending a mental fuck you personally to every one of you (you know who you are. Your ass hurts now, doesn't it?). And Jason was leaning toward her the entire time he was talking to her about Claudia and Jerry. I was hoping he was checking out her legs. I was. Gah. Those feelings are coming back and they don't know it yet.
Jason: Oh, yeah, yeah. If you're sure.
Sam: Yeah.
Jason: Ok.
Sam: Could I keep your jacket? I'll drop it off tomorrow.
Jason: No, absolutely not. Yeah, of course you can.
Kelli: Gah, fuck me now.
Oh my Corey, I think I liked the episode. Wow, big surprise, it had Jasam in it.
On that note, I'm off to bring the boy some coffee. He's so demanding. I hope it was up to your effort standards, Amanda. I gave you ALL my commentary.
PS- Seriously, Greg, cut your hair.
Monday, May 4, 2009

yes. today had jasam. over 6 minutes of jasam. and it was fun and cute and serious and everything i had hoped.
now let's get them in the sack naked together, okay?
i mean, look at how cute she looked in his jacket. and he totally didn't want to leave. he wanted to stay with her and talk to her because he doesnt know it yet but he LOVES her.
also, sam keeps making subtle digs at jason about lying and such. today's was something along the lines of "you always want to hear the truth, even if it hurts." you keep making those subtle digs, girl. maybe eventually he'll pick up on the hint.
im hoping their scene continues tomorrow, i mean they did kind of leave it mid conversation, but with KeMo's show and our Sam-less episodes, it wouldn't surprise me if she isn't on the rest of the week. and that's a damn DAMN shame.
now the rest of the episode:
I guess i'm happy LnL2 are getting back together for two reasons: one, im happy for their fans, since they were teased so much during the hospital crisis. and two, it keeps Whore away from jason.
don't care about embecca/nik.
and olivia needs to stop taking up screen time.
that's pretty much all i have to say. jasam needs to continue to be on my screen.
neurotically yours,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Random Weekend Post
I just realized that one of the things I love the most about yesterday's JaSam was that it was such a screw you to the bitches who were trying to get Kelly fired over Peepshow. Not only do they not care that you're morally offended by her taking off her clothes in a setting that *does not* effect you (duh, they don't care, they agreed to her doing it), they're going to have her in her skivvies on the show, too.
Suck on that.
Suck on that.
Friday, May 1, 2009
JaSam sexy time please?
Wow, could the Sam/Spin scenes have been a little more pointless? Sam as a random prop for Spinelli's continued compulsion to be a macho man is not the scenes I've been hoping for all week. But LMAO, I can't wait for Monday. That was such a JaSam way to start their scenes for next week. Naked Sam catapulted into Jason's arms. I love it. Seriously, two seconds and it totally made this episode worth it.
"Spoken like a beautiful woman who can't see the spider on her shirt." What does that mean Lucky? This is what is plaguing me after the endless Embecca/Lucky/Whore/Nik scenes. Also, I always knew Whore couldn't count to two.
If Claudia doesn't stop trying to kill people, the only people left in PC are going to be her targets. I'm glad Johnny tried to knock some sense into her. He continued to meet my expectations and be dull while doing it.
Oh, wow, I'm so shocked that Maxie's big plan is going to backfire. Just like Sam's did when she tried this. I'm not sure what they're going for with this parallel. The whole thing is stupid, though, much as I love nods to JaSam history. This is the bad kind of history.
I'm still confused as to why Carly would be stressed by Sason going after Jerry. Jax is really pissing me off. Why is he trying to protect Claudia? He could probably convince them to back off of Jerry for now if he just told them about his copy of the DVD. I really don't get his motivation right now, but it smells like betrayal. Boo.
Um, it bears repeating... Sam was totally half-naked in Jason's arms. :D
"Spoken like a beautiful woman who can't see the spider on her shirt." What does that mean Lucky? This is what is plaguing me after the endless Embecca/Lucky/Whore/Nik scenes. Also, I always knew Whore couldn't count to two.
If Claudia doesn't stop trying to kill people, the only people left in PC are going to be her targets. I'm glad Johnny tried to knock some sense into her. He continued to meet my expectations and be dull while doing it.
Oh, wow, I'm so shocked that Maxie's big plan is going to backfire. Just like Sam's did when she tried this. I'm not sure what they're going for with this parallel. The whole thing is stupid, though, much as I love nods to JaSam history. This is the bad kind of history.
I'm still confused as to why Carly would be stressed by Sason going after Jerry. Jax is really pissing me off. Why is he trying to protect Claudia? He could probably convince them to back off of Jerry for now if he just told them about his copy of the DVD. I really don't get his motivation right now, but it smells like betrayal. Boo.
Um, it bears repeating... Sam was totally half-naked in Jason's arms. :D
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