Thursday, April 30, 2009

Um, Fuck Nik and Whore.

I'm not watching today. Sorry.

Grumbley Bear

So, yeah, pretty much the only thing that I noticed about this episode was that they played a JaSam song during a stupid ass Nik/Whore scene. Not ok with that *at all*. I'm waiting patiently for JaSam to get to a point where they can play their song again (at least one of them), and then they do THIS. Not a happy camper. At least it wasn't Just You and Me, but STILL.

Um, other than that? Boring, more boring, Sam has a cold apparently, Winnibitch was like a jack-in-the-box and scared the hell out of me with her continued existence. Maxie totally pulled a Sam what with pretending to have a stalker. So I guess woo JaSam parallel? Blah. Why does Jax think Jason killing Jerry will stress Carly out? Stupid. Lucky looks beyond ridiculous, and I completely object to that. The man is supposed to be eye candy.

Yeah, that's it. Just... LEAVE JASAM SONGS ALONE!

Why Must They Torture Us?

Kill. Me. Now.

That is all.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What a man, what a man, what a mighty fine man...

Hello, hot stuff.

Today's episode was boring.

Not that it's surprising that it was boring.

But Matt+Baby Emma? Yeah, I babe magnet. If I saw him walking down the street with that little girl, I'd definitely approach them A.S.A.P.

Me: Who is this cutie?
Matt: Oh, this is Emma.
Me: That's nice, but I was talking about you.
Matt: Oh, I'm Matt. And who are you, most beautiful girl in the entire world.
Me: I'm the mother of your next child.
Matt: I think it's time to put Emma down for a nap.
Me: Sounds good. Let's go to bed....

Did other stuff happen in today's episode? Probably. But I didn't notice.

Preemption to the rescue?

So, we just got our first cases of swine flu in Illinois, so the first half hour was preempted for Breaking News. My lack of entertainment in the second half means I have no intention of finding and watching the beginning. So, this will be incomplete. I will be missing most of the Matt stuff, but I think I'll survive.

So biggest hate today goes to Claudia. Did she *seriously* tell Sonny that it would be ok if Carly died because the kids would have Step Mommy Claudia?! Are you fucking kidding me? Every episode I think they can't make me hate this evil bitch more, and then I do. Are they supposed to be making me not hate her? Am I supposed to want her to not be brutally murdered by Carly herself? (I think it would be therapeutic and not stressful.) If yes, then big fucking FAIL. I love Sarah Brown, but not even she can make this bitch remotely sympathetic.

There was a while there where I thought Natalia had toned it down, and I wasn't hating Rebecca even though the story is ridiculously stupid and is turning sexy Nik into a stalker. That's way gone. With Nik and then with Whore I just wanted to smack her and her over acting. She and Whore are a match made in heaven. Bitch brows and brows in need of bleach. Their little snark off left me with nothing except a desire to laugh hysterically at that poor attempt at a "bitch, please" look Rebecca pulled before storming off.

Speaking of being a stalker, what was Nik doing at the hospital right then? No reason than to follow Rebecca and then try to make her and/or Lucky jealous? Awesome. This story is doing absolutely no one any favors and all of the actors should protest. I didn't know there was a Nik/Whore kiss today. Does that mean there's one tomorrow, too, at Jake's? The looks on everyone's faces kinda made me lol. Ken and Barbie looked as plastic as they are.

Ugh, Whore/Patrick. She's sinking her claws wherever they'll go lately. Comforting poor Patrick telling him how saintly he was dealing with that bitch of a wife he has. It's the same old song and dance. She needs to find a new tune, except the men of PC seem painfully oblivious, and the damn thing continues to work for her. Even Robin deserves better friends than her.

Matt with Emma = the very best part of this episode. Sexy man with a cute baby. Love. My heart gave a little squee when he kissed her cheek. Give this man an SL. He's so much more worthy than the idiots taking up the screen time on this show. Here's hoping for more Matt with baby stuff soon.

Meh, to the Crimson crew. I watched, I did not care. Ditto for Luke and Ethan.

I guess that's it of what I saw. Really don't think I'll watch the beginning considering the second half hour seemed plenty long with the dull and the blah blah blah. Please let the storylines move. It's sweeps, people.

And come back, Sam.


People I Hate

Soo, disclaimer, I'm really tired. And this episode is boring.

So, Robin's intervention really just showed who the awesome characters are and who the assholes are. And who has become an (albeit good-looking) useless waste of space. I'm looking at you, Patrick.

Robin = total uber bitch to Maxie. She's so freaking self-righteous it makes me want to hurl. Please get off of my screen kthnx. Also, I thought Maxie was great in the intervention. She was clear about what she was worried about with Robin, that she loves her and that she isn't being herself. Even when Robin was attacking her, she stayed on point before leaving. I loved her. And then they had to send her straight to lame drama with Johnny and Spinelli. I hate you, writers. Just let me enjoy her for a whole day.

I liked the juxtoposition of Whore and Kelly as friends. Kelly was great. Non-accusatory, but still clear that Robin needs to get help. And then Whore makes it all about herself. GTFO.

I liked that Mac stopped enabling. Matt is love. More Matt please.

Sonny can die painfully in a fire. Carly's prenancy and whether she terminates it is SO COMPLETELY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS you fucking asshole. Seriously. You treat your own children like possessions you can pick up and play with whenever it suits you (and whoever you're fucking), and then you presume to think you are in anyway part of this decision? Light yourself on fire. WTF? Yes, Sonny, Max and Milo can fix Carly's health problems. (Yes, you are getting this commentary as I'm watching.) Arrogant prick. Jason doesn't have to blindly follow your orders on personal matters. And, considering your really fucking poor judgement, I'm not sure he should be following your orders at all.

(I'm such a JaSammer. I'm sitting here so pissed at Sonny for thinking it's a good idea to command Jason to get Carly to do his bidding, but at the same time I'm smiling that Jason is saying he can't make people's decisions for him. Fixing JaSam mistakes ftw.)

Le Sigh. This convo with Jason and Diane just makes me wish it was with Sam.

Carly's total and complete faith scares me. I don't want her to lose this baby. I love Laura.

I don't care about Luke and Ethan.

This ended up being less on the funny and more on the rant side of things. I apologize and promise to try and watch earlier tomorrow. Also, I miss Sam, tooooo. *cries*


Shameless Plug

yes. i am going to shamelessly plug my fanfic here now:

Superhero: A JaSam fanfiction

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I, also, miss Sam.

I have to agree with a lot of what Kelli said, regarding tonights episode. For starters, it was another yawn inducing episode for the most part. But let's talk about the most amusing thing that DID happen tonights episode: Robin's intervention.

First of all, it's about freaking time. I would have sent her to the loony bin after she put her baby in a tree. And then I would have sent her a second time when she, you know, tried to commit suicide. But I guess accidentally throwing your baby down the stairs, which in all honesty had nothing to do with PPD and everything to do with Robin just being a moron and putting the stroller too close to the stairs, is the final straw for the people of Port Charles.

Okay, let's dive right in: Robin was a bitch.

Now, I am a big fan of Maxie (though she has been annoying the hell out of me as of lately), and when Robin started telling her off for fucking Lucky and giving him pills and pretending to be pregnant, numerous feelings ran through me. One being: back off bitch. Where do you get off attacking Maxie for something she has dealt with and moved on from? When all Maxie is doing is telling you how scared she was when you made her take YOUR child, your dying child, to the hospital. She's trying to tell you to get the help you so desperately need. And you? You attack her for being a self-absorbed bitch, basically, which is something right now she doesn't need to hear from someone she admires (God only knows why she admires you to begin with)

The second thing I want to say about Robin's rant: Whore definitely ate that shit up. Robin started talking about Maxie and Lucky, and Whore was sitting there going "Yes. I can play the victim. Everyone...LOOK AT ME!" Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But, let's be honest. While a normal person would sit there getting an unnecessary sick feeling in their stomach because Robin feels the need to unleash the past, Whore definitely sat there going, "yes. This is about me." She loves the attention like that.

I just totally unnecessarily bashed Whore.

I'm not even going to harp on this anymore. Robin is getting help. Maybe she won't come back as much as a loon as she is now. I think they totally ruined Robin and I don't know how she would be able to pull out of this a likeable character. We'll have to see how this goes, although I just want it to completely end so I can move on with my life.

God. I don't even know what else took place during this episode. Did anything?

Oh, Ethan and Luke. I know I'm like the only person in the entire world, and I'm waiting for Kelli or Toph to yell at me or make fun of me for this, but I really like Ethan. I don't know why. Don't even try asking me to explain to you why. I have no idea. I just do. And I have this like...old man crush on Luke. Like hardcore, I'm in love with Luke Spencer. So I enjoyed their boring scenes that I really don't care about together, only because I got to watch them. Not really much to say about it, other than Luke, to me, as per usual, looked yummy.

As for the Carly-pregnancy stuff, I just want to say that I really like Sonny. Lately, he's a bit of a moron, but I really like him. And I guess I understand he's overly concerned for Carly, because let's face it, they are Carly and Sonny and he's always going to overly care about her. But he needs to back off. He has nothing to do with this pregnancy or the choices that go along with it. And telling Jason to tell Carly to terminate? That was crossing the line, don't you think?

I really want Carly to have this baby. And I don't want Claudia to have hers. If it's the other way around, I might really attack someone. Or write a really strongly worded letter with lots of underlining and exclamation points. I mean business!

In other random news: I tweeted to Sarah Joy Brown about my thoughts on Claudia needing to find better people to hire as hitmen who aren't complete idiots, and she agreed:

SarahJoyBrown: Me 2! RT @sarahjoybrown no offense, but i think claudia needs to find new hit men. the ones she has suck, apparently. (via @Nicole_Melleby)

Okay. I'm done rambling.

KeMo: Hurry back from Vegas. I freaking miss you.

Neurotically yours,

I Miss Sam

I'm going to be completely honest with you, I didn't watch the entire episode. In fact, I watched about 3.5 segments then I had to stop, in fear that my brain cells were dying off too fast. I did, however, read recaps of the rest. My JoMax hug, Sonny and the dingo, and awkward Max were the only good parts of the day. I didn't even get to see Drew today, which made it even worse.

I'm not even sure if I can summarize any of it; it was that bad.

Robin's a bitch.

Oh, I guess that was easy enough. That pretty much sums up today's episode (and her entire existance). Why is Snobin running the show at her own intervention? Is she that much of a control freak? I can't decide who I hate more: Robin for being overly annoying again or Whore for wearing that overly ugly shirt again. I'd be okay with the discontinuency for once, if it meant I never had to see that ugly ass red and white striped shit again.
Every single scene that revolves around this stupid PPD storyline annoys the hell out of me. Robin's not going to be happy until Emma's dead.. but clearly she's "really trying". Thank God she's finally gone off to the loony bin. I couldn't stand watching anymore of that enabling shit. To top it off, Patrick was a total pansy and didn't say shit to help her. Other than the "I miss my wife" Jerry Maguire rip off, he just sat in the corner and gave her these wounded puppy dog eyes. We know who wears the pants in that relationship. Pussy.

Okay big Dingo (bahahahaha), your Sonny vendetta is obvious. You can't even breathe the same air as him without foaming at the mouth. But do you honestly believe that yelling at him in front of Carly is going to calm her down? Please, Guza, don't ever let him procreate with Whore. The poor kid wouldn't have two brain cells to rub together.

It's annoying how sucky Claudia is at being part of the mob business. She can't pull off a hit. She clearly can't hire the right people to pull one off. Hell, she can't even lie without getting caught. No wonder Papa Z hated her so much. She sucks at life. Too bad Sarah Brown is stuck in this idiotic role; it's like a first class ticket to the unemployment line. Napoleon used to be a badass too. Now, he's nothing but a joke. I want my old Stumpy back and Maurices acting to be good again.

I hope Lulu and Ethan are brother and sister. And I hope they have sex. I hate them both.

That's about as much thought as I put into this episode. It was almost as bad as Luke's hair in the 80's. Yes, I resorted to that. I can only hope that with Robin off in "treatment", the show is going to get better. May sweeps officially kicked off last Thursday. I have yet to get excited about anything. Big surprise.

Peepshow better be worth this stupid shit we're putting up with, Kelly.

Why Do I Watch This Show Again?

Yawn. I just wasted an hour of my life that I'll never get back. I have no words.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sonny's House of Whores

So, I'm still kinda working on how this is going to be formatted, so bear with me.

Ugh, can I just say, the Sonny worship squad needs to gtfo. We already got rid of Kate lurking around Sonny's house, like anyone wanted her there, and they had to replace her with Olivia AND Ric? Dumb, dumber, and omg no one should be this fucking stupid bickering about who Sonny loves best and who he's going to take to the senior prom while he's off making out with someone else under the bleachers. (Or, you know, talking to a doctor about medical decisions he's not legally allowed to make.) Seriously, is there crack in his semen? Also, why does everyone on this show talk like birth contol is 100% accurate?

Speaking of Claudia, someone take away her phone and her money and anything else that facillitates her ridiculous attempts on people's lives.

Sonny and the doctor was a total snooze. Just wake Michael up already and send him along to the Qs. NuMichael looked kinda monkey-like from the side. Jennifer Bransford's Carly's son?

Emma was totally adorable, and totally chill. Love her. Her and Matt are the best part of the Scrubs story and they're both getting the raw end of the deal. I had to laugh because the break being on or off wasn't really this issue. The stroller was like two centimeters from the stairs. It was going over, break or no break. And, actually, there probably would have been more flipping if the break had been on. Mommy and me gymnastics? I love Mac, but he was too enabley for my taste. Maybe he was saving it for the intervention. Which I'm psyched for. I wonder if Whore is like, huh, yes, the intervention is a good way to pick up men. I can make my move while the wife/girlfriend is at rehab (or the looney bin, in Robin's case).

I think this show has a thing for Where's Waldo. First, NuEm was running around the hospital playing a live version of the game, and now Whore has stolen poor Waldo's shirt. Whore and Nik. They're talking. All I hear is blah blah blah. You're so pretty Tyler, and you have the sexy tattoos. Why do they give you such awful story lines? I never thought I'd miss Nadine and her fatal plow. As for Whore, just get back together with Fucky and get off my screen. So apparently loudly chewing gum, dark eye makeup and hairflipping mean Rebecca's an edgy adventurer? Interesting. I never knew. *must invest in hair dye and eyemakeup and get my adventure on* She's like Rebel Without a Cause Barbie, and Lucky was Slummin' It Ken. Match made in heaven. Please cut your hair, Greg.

So the sound kept cutting out, and it seemed to know to do it right during the Jarly scenes. I'm assuming the discussion was just a prop scene for Jax to find out, so I'm not too irked. Now, if it had been JaSam scenes? Someone would be getting a very angry letter. I'm glad that Jax just came out and told her what he heard so they could discuss it. And he does seem to really be concerned about it. Too bad he's gonna think this is going to justify his lies even more. Boo.

I liked Maxie and Jason, as I always do. She was so funny poking him and badgering him awake, and his response was perfect, even just entering consciousness. I also that her worrying was kinda sweet. I really do always like Maxie when she's not part of the new quad. So, I'm definitely excited for tomorrow for her to be in a more Scorpio based scene in the intervention.

She was annoying with Spin, but not as annoying as she has been lately. So, that's a plus. And I'm actually pretty proud of him, though I'm afraid it's not going to last. I love their friendship, but they need some time apart (preferably with Spin off my screen and Maxie with Matt or her family) before they can get back to that, both of them clear on what they are and are not. I have a feeling my wish won't be granted. Joy.

Um, was there other stuff? Apparently nothing I have anything to comment on.


Those stairs jumped out at me out of nowhere, I swear!

"Please. Put me out of my misery. My mom's crazy, and you hand me over to this woman?"

Oh, hello, Monday. Here's hoping that today's episode doesn't bore me to tears.....

Firstly, can I say that baby emma's acting is my absolute favorite on the show right now? That girl can take a spill down the stairs and be all chill with it. She just goes along with everything. Don't worry, Robin. You aren't traumatizing your kid. She's as Stone Cold as Jason, apparently.

Also, a lot of good the Angel Bear miss Whore Webber gave Emma is. Some Guardian Angel that turned out to be.

(Yes, I have the ability to make EVERYTHING Whore's fault.)

I also want to add that poor Dr. Kelly can't quite catch a break. Sure, she's getting a lot of screen time, but at the same time, she's GOT to be tired of pregnant women yelling at her. First Carly not wanting to terminate the baby or tell Jax, then Robin being a crazy nutcase...she probably wanted to fall down those stairs right along with Emma.

I love Matt. I really do. He only needs five seconds on screen, and I'm drooling all over the place. I think I want him to have my babies. Or Maxie's. I like her with Matt I think. It keeps her away from the rest of the goon squad, at least, and I think she needs a break from being around Lulu and Spin. I need the Maxie I love back.

Speaking of Maxie, I loved her moment with Jason. It was, of course, drenched in "Spinelli is my essential person" context, but when she started poking him to wake up, I had to laugh. And then he just wakes up and grabs her arm in a "you better stop touching me before I punch you in the face" kind of way. Bahaha, love it.

But of COURSE Spinelli has to make his way on screen and Maxie immediately goes into "Spinelli is my essential person" mode. Jesus. She needs to stop groveling over Spinelli and go get her some Matt. (disclaimer: I LOVE the Spixie frienship, but only as that; a friendship)

(I also want to add, though it's not really enough to get a whole paragraph out of me, that I love Monica. That poor woman. I'd so let her adopt me.)

NuMichael is repping it on screen lately. He pretends to be in a coma like a champ. Good job, Drew, you keep laying down like a pro!

Whore and Nik....I'm not even going to comment on this one. I'll leave it to Toph or Kelli.

Carly and Jax have a wonderful marriage, let me tell you. Jax keeping secrets from Carly about Michael's shooting, Carly keeping secrets from Jax about the least Jax finally found out the truth though. When's he going to open his mouth about Claudia? (And by open his mouth, I mean to Carly, since the rest of Port Charles seemingly already knows, or at least will before she does.)

But man, tough decision. 50/50 chance that the baby can be fine or that Carly can die. Those are hard odds, and to be honest, I don't know what I would do. I'd hope for more support than Carly has been getting though. Everyone is so gung ho she just terminate the pregnancy. I support you, Carly. You have that baby. I'll take those odds.

( better be a girl, and they better not be jinxing it. I want Carly to have a girl, but at the same time, it would be funny if they had a boy, seeing as Jax already bought the entire girl section of the baby store)

Random: I love Uncle Mac. Everyone should have an Uncle Mac.

I think Claudia is horrible at placing hits and should just...stop. First, obviously, the whole Michael incident. And now...okay, you want Jerry dead, I understand that. But you hire some idiot who wires the explosives to Jerry's automatic car key? Those things work from really far away, dumbass. Jerry could have been no where near the car and pushed the button and BOOM, car explodes and Jerry is fine. DUMB. ASS. Just...stop placing hits. You suck at it.

I don't know why they bother ever admitting Jason into the hospital. He wakes up and walks out as if nothing even happened. Stop wasting hospital rooms on this guy. He's like freaking Superman. Without the Kryptonite.

One thing to say about Lucky and Embecca: Today they made the perfect "ugly hair" couple. That is all.

YES! Scorpio (and Whore, apparently) family intervention! I'm a wee bit excited for that, for two reasons: One, it'll hopefully finally end this whole Robin's okay, no she's not, yes she is, no she's not, crazy PPD crap. And two, I hear Robin lashes out at Maxie of all people, and I'm curious to view that.

So here's to tomorrow not disappointing me too much, and that this show doesn't end up plummeting down the stairs like baby Emma and Whore's wheelchair!

Neurotically Yours,

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hello, all. Well, being as miss Kelli's introduction was fairly long, I'll do my best to keep mine short. I'm not as interesting as Kelli or as witty as Toph, but you get to listen to me ramble on anyway.

I'm basically a General Hospital newbie. While my mom's been watching for as long as I can remember, so it has constantly been on the T.V., I didn't start watching until October 31st of this year. JaSam had their scene together, and Kelli told me to watch so I could give them ratings, so I did. I didn't even really watch. I just put the T.V. on.

But the gun toting duo dressed in leather caught my attention, and since then, I have been school-ed by both Kelli and Topher on General Hospital (mainly JaSam/Sam) history. I've also done my research. Since then, I've watched billions of clips and storylines via youtube, as well as started consistently watching what's on air now. I'm by all means no expert, but I think it's safe to say I've seen enough to have a legit opinion.

I am a Sam McCall fan first, and it's because of that this blog exists in the first place. New to General Hospital fandom, I stumbled across a blog that wasn't exactly friendly to my girl. Pissing me off, Toph and I decided we should just start our own blog, and have Kelli come along for the ride.

Moving on. I could go into the characters I like and dislike, but I feel like that would be a little redundant, seeing as Toph and Kelli both pretty much have gotten that covered. Also, I'd keep in mind that we are making our opinions on certain characters very clear right from the get go, and yes, we will continue to be biased throughout this entire blog. If you don't like it, just don't read. We aren't going to go soft. At all.

Just to further that point:

(and I totally went easy on her, I could have posted much worse)
(p.s....if you type "anti-Elizabeth Webber" into google, a lot of pictures of shampoo bottles come up. I don't know why. But I found it randomly amusing enough to tell you)

So that's me. Also, since I am new to General Hospital and I'm sure there are many brilliant storylines (much better than the crap on T.V. now) that I have yet to stumble across in my journeys, and if you'd like to suggest one to me, I'll totally take the time to watch and rant/rave all about it here.

So, I need to go to work so I'm going to wrap this up. Basically: welcome to my, Kelli, and Toph's opinions. Don't like them? Go away. Elizabeth "Whore" Webber fan? Go away. Consider this our disclaimer.

Neurotically yours,
Lewd, Syph, or whatever the hell you want to call me.

I Am Not A Goat

I guess it's my turn for an introduction. I'll start out by being honest; I find General Hospital so boring now a days that I haven't watched a full episode in about a month. I've kept to my Sam scenes only, which let me tell you, are few and far between. So feel special; I'll be viewing full episodes again starting Monday. If you've found this blog through D&T, TH, the Rant, or any other random General Hospital or Soap board out there, then you probably already know who I am. I'm Kelli, though in the online GH world, I'm known as 'forevergh13'. Now that I think about it, it's a little disappointing that I don't have any cool nicknames like the other two. Sigh. I guess I'll get over it. Before I launch into my GH status, I think I need a disclaimer. I'm crude, blunt, and more often than not, offensive. We're not writing this to be nice to everybody and make everybody happy though. I'll try not to personally attack you and you try not to take my attacks personal. Cool? Okay then.

As you can probably tell, I'm a SamFF and a total KeMo lover. So all you whore fans (you know who you are), if you can't stand all the Sam love, then go find a goat and fuck it. I've watched every single Sam scene from the moment she pretended to hang herself in jail, knocked the guard out, and talked all cutesy with the dog (which, for all you GH noobs out there, was Sam's first scene).

I'll admit, I'm a JaSam fan second. But in all honesty, I can get into any Sam pairing. There are times I'd love to see Jax and Sam have another go (because oh my, Ingo is looking good). And I wasn't a HUGE fan of Sonny and Sam but I loved it when they became friends later. And I was and am a LuSam fan as well. (See, this isn't ALL about JaSam!)

We'll start with the bitches of GH (both good and bad). Other than Sam, Maxie is another favorite of mine. She is, unfortunately, more of a hit or miss. Kirsten Storms is fabulous in the role though and I admit that I tend to be biased when I like the actor or actress. Carly Corinthos Jacks is definitely one of my favorites, as is Laura Wright. She's simply amazing and gorgeous.

My in between girls vary. I'm not a huge Claudia fan, although I started out liking her a lot more than I thought I would. I had high hopes for the ClauSon relationship and TPTB wrote her into a corner. It was very disappointing. On another note, I'm basically in love with (not really but sort of) Sarah Brown, so that evens it out.

As for my not so favorite characters, I think they're pretty obvious. I'm not a Kate fan. She is and always has been pointless and I'd be ecstatic if the rumors of her demise are true. Although JMB is gorgeous, if I have to hear Lulu shriek about nothing and yada yada yada one more time, I'm going to drink a gallon of bleach. And Snobin Robin could have disappeared in that snow storm back in January and I wouldn't have minded one bit.

And I am as far from an Elizabeth Webber fan as possible. I could rant about her all day, but I'm sure you'll hear plenty of that from me later.

As for the men of GH, I'm not sure I've too many that I don't like. Jason Morgan is an on again off again thing for me. I love him with Sam and that's about it (occasionally with Carly too). Sonny's too easy to make fun of so I tend to do that a lot, although when Maurice is on, man is he on. I adore Ric (both Lansing and Hearst for that matter) and hope that they intend to keep him around. That character is such a skeaze but the actor is so fantastic that it's damn fun to watch.

I'm not a big Lucky fan at all. In fact, I said earlier to the other girls that in my opinion, Lucky Spencer was born without his balls. But I'm sure Greg Vaughan's are big enough for the both of them. *fans self* I'd love to grab Greg's ass some day. I bet it's nice and squishy. Patrick is a total favorite of mine. My fantasy couple is Patrick and Sam. Ever since their banter in the hospital when he first came on back in 2005, I've wanted to see what could come of them. Scrubs bore the living hell out of me anyway. Who needs them? And lastly, I lay claim over Brandon Barash when he's playing psychotic Johnny. Because damn, that shit is hot. I've been waiting for JoMax for awhile and I'm just glad I got some decent scenes out of it before they go back to Spixie full force.

I want to do a villain corner like Beeg did too, just because I'm obsessive about falling for GH's villains. I absolutely adore Little Antz (Anthony Zacchara) and was completely heartbroken when they took him off screen. I'll be lobbying for him to come back because he's so good with comedic relief.

Jerry Jax is up there too. I like him half the time and half the time I don't. I like the badass "Mr. Craig" side of him compared to the "Jerry Jax: brother of Jasper and lover of Alexis" side. I waited for a damn long time to see them do more Sam/Jerry interaction. Their chemistry together during the Metro Court Hostage Crisis was off the charts and I knew it'd be good. On top of that, I'm slightly more than in love with Sebastian Roche. I wish he'd come back full time and I fully intend to start a "Bring Back Jerry" compaign when he's gone again.

And as much as I love Jerry, absolutely no villain in all of GH history could compare to Manny Ruiz. I'm obsessed with him about as much as he was with Sam. He was one of my favorite storylines ever. And if it would get Robert back, I'd get down on my knees in front of Bob Guza himself.

Okay, now that I've talked for..ever, I'll wrap it up. I know, it takes an acquired taste to like me, so I won't be too incredibly offended if you don't. No worries- Lewd's up next and you're going to adore her.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sinners and Saints, per us and Billy Joel

I thought we'd start this impromptu blog with a cast of the likely regularly occurring characters in our rantings and squee-ing and musings. Billy Joel's words that he'd "rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints" are particularly accurate when it comes to our feelings about the characters in this show, so I'll begin with dividing them into categories.


Samantha McCall - As you can probably tell from our URL, she is our girl. Our favorite anti-hero. Guza tried his damnest to make us hate her, but we could not be swayed. We are Sam apologists and total KeMo fans. She came into the show escaping from jail, and she's at her best when she's being badass all over town.

Maxie Jones - Love her. She is totally unapologetic with her selfishness and her schemes, but she is also totally loyal to those she loves. She's flawed, but that's what's so great about her. Now, at the moment, she's fairly obnoxious, but I have faith that awesome Maxie will be back.

Carly Corinthos Jacks - As a Jason and Sam fan, I've had my fair share of moments being annoyed at Carly. And she certainly interrupted some JaSam sexy times more times than was at all necessary. But she is strong and she is loyal and she has grown more than any other character on this show.

Jason Morgan - Mob morality. It's a contradiction in terms, but Jason Morgan is a good man, and he wants to do the right thing. He's everyone's hero, and clearly Guza's, but he is definitely an anti-hero. I may not always love that he's everyone's go to guy to save the day, but he always gives of his self without asking for anything in return.

SAINTS (also known as the STFU squad):

Elizabeth "Whore" Webber - Words cannot describe the hatred. She is hypocritical and self-important. She walks around town touting herself as this amazing mother when she rarely spends any time with either of her ONS babies. I could (and will) go on, but let's just go with HATE for now.

Robin "Sure I dropped my baby down the stairs, but I don't need meds" Scorpio-Drake - She has always been annoying and fairly boring. Lately, she's loathesome. I'm pretty sure that's a big old sign saying "you're doing it wrong" for the writers, but what it means is she's barely watchable without wanting to light her on fire.

Lulu "I'm better than you" Spencer - She speaks, but all I hear is, "Blah blah blah." I go between not caring about her and hating her and her holier than thou ass. Please let a young adult male come to PC and not fall in love with her first. kthnx.


Port Charles has many villains. Most of them suck, but once in awhile they get a great villain who is funny, a true challenge for our heros, and just fun to watch. I love them, but I didn't want to put them with the sinners.

Helena Cassadine - Badass. That is all.

Manny Ruiz - Totally skeezy yet fun all at once. I wish they had done more with Matteo.

Jerry Jacks - My crush on him is entirely inappropriate, I think. But I'm not ashamed. He's totally hot in the fun way he just does his thing and starts shit for the people of PC. Whether he's Mr. Craig or Jerry, he keeps trying to kill my girl, but I still love him.

That's all for now.

BTDubs, this is Christine, aka, Toph, aka BG, aka Berry, and this is my intro post.