Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Miss Sam

I'm going to be completely honest with you, I didn't watch the entire episode. In fact, I watched about 3.5 segments then I had to stop, in fear that my brain cells were dying off too fast. I did, however, read recaps of the rest. My JoMax hug, Sonny and the dingo, and awkward Max were the only good parts of the day. I didn't even get to see Drew today, which made it even worse.

I'm not even sure if I can summarize any of it; it was that bad.

Robin's a bitch.

Oh, I guess that was easy enough. That pretty much sums up today's episode (and her entire existance). Why is Snobin running the show at her own intervention? Is she that much of a control freak? I can't decide who I hate more: Robin for being overly annoying again or Whore for wearing that overly ugly shirt again. I'd be okay with the discontinuency for once, if it meant I never had to see that ugly ass red and white striped shit again.
Every single scene that revolves around this stupid PPD storyline annoys the hell out of me. Robin's not going to be happy until Emma's dead.. but clearly she's "really trying". Thank God she's finally gone off to the loony bin. I couldn't stand watching anymore of that enabling shit. To top it off, Patrick was a total pansy and didn't say shit to help her. Other than the "I miss my wife" Jerry Maguire rip off, he just sat in the corner and gave her these wounded puppy dog eyes. We know who wears the pants in that relationship. Pussy.

Okay big Dingo (bahahahaha), your Sonny vendetta is obvious. You can't even breathe the same air as him without foaming at the mouth. But do you honestly believe that yelling at him in front of Carly is going to calm her down? Please, Guza, don't ever let him procreate with Whore. The poor kid wouldn't have two brain cells to rub together.

It's annoying how sucky Claudia is at being part of the mob business. She can't pull off a hit. She clearly can't hire the right people to pull one off. Hell, she can't even lie without getting caught. No wonder Papa Z hated her so much. She sucks at life. Too bad Sarah Brown is stuck in this idiotic role; it's like a first class ticket to the unemployment line. Napoleon used to be a badass too. Now, he's nothing but a joke. I want my old Stumpy back and Maurices acting to be good again.

I hope Lulu and Ethan are brother and sister. And I hope they have sex. I hate them both.

That's about as much thought as I put into this episode. It was almost as bad as Luke's hair in the 80's. Yes, I resorted to that. I can only hope that with Robin off in "treatment", the show is going to get better. May sweeps officially kicked off last Thursday. I have yet to get excited about anything. Big surprise.

Peepshow better be worth this stupid shit we're putting up with, Kelly.


  1. ITA wit u. I don't think i have fully watched the show in like a month now. I just read the updates and if i find somthing interesting i go on YT and watch the clip but mostly i have found myself watching clip involving only Sam n i am really beginning to get a Sam withdrawal so KeMo needs to hurry up wit the PS n come back on GH cos i am definitely missing her. I just hope when she is fully back those writers give her some tangible s/l n not some farce that they want us to believe.
