Thursday, April 30, 2009

Grumbley Bear

So, yeah, pretty much the only thing that I noticed about this episode was that they played a JaSam song during a stupid ass Nik/Whore scene. Not ok with that *at all*. I'm waiting patiently for JaSam to get to a point where they can play their song again (at least one of them), and then they do THIS. Not a happy camper. At least it wasn't Just You and Me, but STILL.

Um, other than that? Boring, more boring, Sam has a cold apparently, Winnibitch was like a jack-in-the-box and scared the hell out of me with her continued existence. Maxie totally pulled a Sam what with pretending to have a stalker. So I guess woo JaSam parallel? Blah. Why does Jax think Jason killing Jerry will stress Carly out? Stupid. Lucky looks beyond ridiculous, and I completely object to that. The man is supposed to be eye candy.

Yeah, that's it. Just... LEAVE JASAM SONGS ALONE!

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