Friday, April 24, 2009

Sinners and Saints, per us and Billy Joel

I thought we'd start this impromptu blog with a cast of the likely regularly occurring characters in our rantings and squee-ing and musings. Billy Joel's words that he'd "rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints" are particularly accurate when it comes to our feelings about the characters in this show, so I'll begin with dividing them into categories.


Samantha McCall - As you can probably tell from our URL, she is our girl. Our favorite anti-hero. Guza tried his damnest to make us hate her, but we could not be swayed. We are Sam apologists and total KeMo fans. She came into the show escaping from jail, and she's at her best when she's being badass all over town.

Maxie Jones - Love her. She is totally unapologetic with her selfishness and her schemes, but she is also totally loyal to those she loves. She's flawed, but that's what's so great about her. Now, at the moment, she's fairly obnoxious, but I have faith that awesome Maxie will be back.

Carly Corinthos Jacks - As a Jason and Sam fan, I've had my fair share of moments being annoyed at Carly. And she certainly interrupted some JaSam sexy times more times than was at all necessary. But she is strong and she is loyal and she has grown more than any other character on this show.

Jason Morgan - Mob morality. It's a contradiction in terms, but Jason Morgan is a good man, and he wants to do the right thing. He's everyone's hero, and clearly Guza's, but he is definitely an anti-hero. I may not always love that he's everyone's go to guy to save the day, but he always gives of his self without asking for anything in return.

SAINTS (also known as the STFU squad):

Elizabeth "Whore" Webber - Words cannot describe the hatred. She is hypocritical and self-important. She walks around town touting herself as this amazing mother when she rarely spends any time with either of her ONS babies. I could (and will) go on, but let's just go with HATE for now.

Robin "Sure I dropped my baby down the stairs, but I don't need meds" Scorpio-Drake - She has always been annoying and fairly boring. Lately, she's loathesome. I'm pretty sure that's a big old sign saying "you're doing it wrong" for the writers, but what it means is she's barely watchable without wanting to light her on fire.

Lulu "I'm better than you" Spencer - She speaks, but all I hear is, "Blah blah blah." I go between not caring about her and hating her and her holier than thou ass. Please let a young adult male come to PC and not fall in love with her first. kthnx.


Port Charles has many villains. Most of them suck, but once in awhile they get a great villain who is funny, a true challenge for our heros, and just fun to watch. I love them, but I didn't want to put them with the sinners.

Helena Cassadine - Badass. That is all.

Manny Ruiz - Totally skeezy yet fun all at once. I wish they had done more with Matteo.

Jerry Jacks - My crush on him is entirely inappropriate, I think. But I'm not ashamed. He's totally hot in the fun way he just does his thing and starts shit for the people of PC. Whether he's Mr. Craig or Jerry, he keeps trying to kill my girl, but I still love him.

That's all for now.

BTDubs, this is Christine, aka, Toph, aka BG, aka Berry, and this is my intro post.


  1. Well, I suppose I'll comment just so we can have a comment. Good introduction. I can't wait to dive into this. Toph, the names are the best. You forgot to comment on Greg's squishy ass though.. because with the "amazing" writing we get now a days.. That's about all I'd watch for. I guess I'll have to cover it when it's my turn. Sigh.

  2. Good intro, Topher. This is going to be a fun venture for the three of us. Bitching and ranting and raving about General Hospital is what we do best, and now the world can read our opinions, bahahaha....

  3. Haha, I'll leave Greg's squishy butt to you, Kel. *nods* You're an expert on the subject.

    Syph, it's no like we do anything *but* rand and rave about GH. Let's be productive about it. :P
