Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Preemption to the rescue?

So, we just got our first cases of swine flu in Illinois, so the first half hour was preempted for Breaking News. My lack of entertainment in the second half means I have no intention of finding and watching the beginning. So, this will be incomplete. I will be missing most of the Matt stuff, but I think I'll survive.

So biggest hate today goes to Claudia. Did she *seriously* tell Sonny that it would be ok if Carly died because the kids would have Step Mommy Claudia?! Are you fucking kidding me? Every episode I think they can't make me hate this evil bitch more, and then I do. Are they supposed to be making me not hate her? Am I supposed to want her to not be brutally murdered by Carly herself? (I think it would be therapeutic and not stressful.) If yes, then big fucking FAIL. I love Sarah Brown, but not even she can make this bitch remotely sympathetic.

There was a while there where I thought Natalia had toned it down, and I wasn't hating Rebecca even though the story is ridiculously stupid and is turning sexy Nik into a stalker. That's way gone. With Nik and then with Whore I just wanted to smack her and her over acting. She and Whore are a match made in heaven. Bitch brows and brows in need of bleach. Their little snark off left me with nothing except a desire to laugh hysterically at that poor attempt at a "bitch, please" look Rebecca pulled before storming off.

Speaking of being a stalker, what was Nik doing at the hospital right then? No reason than to follow Rebecca and then try to make her and/or Lucky jealous? Awesome. This story is doing absolutely no one any favors and all of the actors should protest. I didn't know there was a Nik/Whore kiss today. Does that mean there's one tomorrow, too, at Jake's? The looks on everyone's faces kinda made me lol. Ken and Barbie looked as plastic as they are.

Ugh, Whore/Patrick. She's sinking her claws wherever they'll go lately. Comforting poor Patrick telling him how saintly he was dealing with that bitch of a wife he has. It's the same old song and dance. She needs to find a new tune, except the men of PC seem painfully oblivious, and the damn thing continues to work for her. Even Robin deserves better friends than her.

Matt with Emma = the very best part of this episode. Sexy man with a cute baby. Love. My heart gave a little squee when he kissed her cheek. Give this man an SL. He's so much more worthy than the idiots taking up the screen time on this show. Here's hoping for more Matt with baby stuff soon.

Meh, to the Crimson crew. I watched, I did not care. Ditto for Luke and Ethan.

I guess that's it of what I saw. Really don't think I'll watch the beginning considering the second half hour seemed plenty long with the dull and the blah blah blah. Please let the storylines move. It's sweeps, people.

And come back, Sam.



  1. I guess Nik isn't the only stalker we have on the show now but the award for the best stalker should go out to Miss holier than thou Liz. Sorry abt the swine flu thing hope u r careful n all.

  2. Sonny totally pissed me off today. I was fucking furious at him when he was talking about Carly's "other children". So what, Sonny? You're the only one that has children that matter and because you had a kid with Michael now that means you get to determine what happens to her no matter what?

    And fuck him for bringing up Michael as a bargaining chip..

  3. i cant believe you managed to watch the entire episode. i really only watched matt, the new love of my life. anyways, good recap (y) also, BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA natalia's bitch please look ! nonetheless :D
