Wednesday, April 29, 2009

People I Hate

Soo, disclaimer, I'm really tired. And this episode is boring.

So, Robin's intervention really just showed who the awesome characters are and who the assholes are. And who has become an (albeit good-looking) useless waste of space. I'm looking at you, Patrick.

Robin = total uber bitch to Maxie. She's so freaking self-righteous it makes me want to hurl. Please get off of my screen kthnx. Also, I thought Maxie was great in the intervention. She was clear about what she was worried about with Robin, that she loves her and that she isn't being herself. Even when Robin was attacking her, she stayed on point before leaving. I loved her. And then they had to send her straight to lame drama with Johnny and Spinelli. I hate you, writers. Just let me enjoy her for a whole day.

I liked the juxtoposition of Whore and Kelly as friends. Kelly was great. Non-accusatory, but still clear that Robin needs to get help. And then Whore makes it all about herself. GTFO.

I liked that Mac stopped enabling. Matt is love. More Matt please.

Sonny can die painfully in a fire. Carly's prenancy and whether she terminates it is SO COMPLETELY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS you fucking asshole. Seriously. You treat your own children like possessions you can pick up and play with whenever it suits you (and whoever you're fucking), and then you presume to think you are in anyway part of this decision? Light yourself on fire. WTF? Yes, Sonny, Max and Milo can fix Carly's health problems. (Yes, you are getting this commentary as I'm watching.) Arrogant prick. Jason doesn't have to blindly follow your orders on personal matters. And, considering your really fucking poor judgement, I'm not sure he should be following your orders at all.

(I'm such a JaSammer. I'm sitting here so pissed at Sonny for thinking it's a good idea to command Jason to get Carly to do his bidding, but at the same time I'm smiling that Jason is saying he can't make people's decisions for him. Fixing JaSam mistakes ftw.)

Le Sigh. This convo with Jason and Diane just makes me wish it was with Sam.

Carly's total and complete faith scares me. I don't want her to lose this baby. I love Laura.

I don't care about Luke and Ethan.

This ended up being less on the funny and more on the rant side of things. I apologize and promise to try and watch earlier tomorrow. Also, I miss Sam, tooooo. *cries*


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