Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What a man, what a man, what a mighty fine man...

Hello, hot stuff.

Today's episode was boring.

Not that it's surprising that it was boring.

But Matt+Baby Emma? Yeah, I babe magnet. If I saw him walking down the street with that little girl, I'd definitely approach them A.S.A.P.

Me: Who is this cutie?
Matt: Oh, this is Emma.
Me: That's nice, but I was talking about you.
Matt: Oh, I'm Matt. And who are you, most beautiful girl in the entire world.
Me: I'm the mother of your next child.
Matt: I think it's time to put Emma down for a nap.
Me: Sounds good. Let's go to bed....

Did other stuff happen in today's episode? Probably. But I didn't notice.


  1. Hahaha. I subscribe to this post.

  2. Hahahaha. Yes. As we all know babys attract more ass than dogs.

    And apparently the absence of them attract whores. *shifty eyes*

  3. Bahahaha. Maranda, that made me laugh REALLY hard.
