Monday, April 27, 2009

Those stairs jumped out at me out of nowhere, I swear!

"Please. Put me out of my misery. My mom's crazy, and you hand me over to this woman?"

Oh, hello, Monday. Here's hoping that today's episode doesn't bore me to tears.....

Firstly, can I say that baby emma's acting is my absolute favorite on the show right now? That girl can take a spill down the stairs and be all chill with it. She just goes along with everything. Don't worry, Robin. You aren't traumatizing your kid. She's as Stone Cold as Jason, apparently.

Also, a lot of good the Angel Bear miss Whore Webber gave Emma is. Some Guardian Angel that turned out to be.

(Yes, I have the ability to make EVERYTHING Whore's fault.)

I also want to add that poor Dr. Kelly can't quite catch a break. Sure, she's getting a lot of screen time, but at the same time, she's GOT to be tired of pregnant women yelling at her. First Carly not wanting to terminate the baby or tell Jax, then Robin being a crazy nutcase...she probably wanted to fall down those stairs right along with Emma.

I love Matt. I really do. He only needs five seconds on screen, and I'm drooling all over the place. I think I want him to have my babies. Or Maxie's. I like her with Matt I think. It keeps her away from the rest of the goon squad, at least, and I think she needs a break from being around Lulu and Spin. I need the Maxie I love back.

Speaking of Maxie, I loved her moment with Jason. It was, of course, drenched in "Spinelli is my essential person" context, but when she started poking him to wake up, I had to laugh. And then he just wakes up and grabs her arm in a "you better stop touching me before I punch you in the face" kind of way. Bahaha, love it.

But of COURSE Spinelli has to make his way on screen and Maxie immediately goes into "Spinelli is my essential person" mode. Jesus. She needs to stop groveling over Spinelli and go get her some Matt. (disclaimer: I LOVE the Spixie frienship, but only as that; a friendship)

(I also want to add, though it's not really enough to get a whole paragraph out of me, that I love Monica. That poor woman. I'd so let her adopt me.)

NuMichael is repping it on screen lately. He pretends to be in a coma like a champ. Good job, Drew, you keep laying down like a pro!

Whore and Nik....I'm not even going to comment on this one. I'll leave it to Toph or Kelli.

Carly and Jax have a wonderful marriage, let me tell you. Jax keeping secrets from Carly about Michael's shooting, Carly keeping secrets from Jax about the least Jax finally found out the truth though. When's he going to open his mouth about Claudia? (And by open his mouth, I mean to Carly, since the rest of Port Charles seemingly already knows, or at least will before she does.)

But man, tough decision. 50/50 chance that the baby can be fine or that Carly can die. Those are hard odds, and to be honest, I don't know what I would do. I'd hope for more support than Carly has been getting though. Everyone is so gung ho she just terminate the pregnancy. I support you, Carly. You have that baby. I'll take those odds.

( better be a girl, and they better not be jinxing it. I want Carly to have a girl, but at the same time, it would be funny if they had a boy, seeing as Jax already bought the entire girl section of the baby store)

Random: I love Uncle Mac. Everyone should have an Uncle Mac.

I think Claudia is horrible at placing hits and should just...stop. First, obviously, the whole Michael incident. And now...okay, you want Jerry dead, I understand that. But you hire some idiot who wires the explosives to Jerry's automatic car key? Those things work from really far away, dumbass. Jerry could have been no where near the car and pushed the button and BOOM, car explodes and Jerry is fine. DUMB. ASS. Just...stop placing hits. You suck at it.

I don't know why they bother ever admitting Jason into the hospital. He wakes up and walks out as if nothing even happened. Stop wasting hospital rooms on this guy. He's like freaking Superman. Without the Kryptonite.

One thing to say about Lucky and Embecca: Today they made the perfect "ugly hair" couple. That is all.

YES! Scorpio (and Whore, apparently) family intervention! I'm a wee bit excited for that, for two reasons: One, it'll hopefully finally end this whole Robin's okay, no she's not, yes she is, no she's not, crazy PPD crap. And two, I hear Robin lashes out at Maxie of all people, and I'm curious to view that.

So here's to tomorrow not disappointing me too much, and that this show doesn't end up plummeting down the stairs like baby Emma and Whore's wheelchair!

Neurotically Yours,


  1. Great post, Syph. Poor baby Emma. Next thing you know, they'll have Lulu babysitting her. Or Kate. :| Oh, God, or Claudia.

  2. Gah! don't say such terrible things! i'm on Team Let's Get Emma In A Safe Environment

  3. Or as Liv would say, Team Give The Baby to Jasam!
