Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I, also, miss Sam.

I have to agree with a lot of what Kelli said, regarding tonights episode. For starters, it was another yawn inducing episode for the most part. But let's talk about the most amusing thing that DID happen tonights episode: Robin's intervention.

First of all, it's about freaking time. I would have sent her to the loony bin after she put her baby in a tree. And then I would have sent her a second time when she, you know, tried to commit suicide. But I guess accidentally throwing your baby down the stairs, which in all honesty had nothing to do with PPD and everything to do with Robin just being a moron and putting the stroller too close to the stairs, is the final straw for the people of Port Charles.

Okay, let's dive right in: Robin was a bitch.

Now, I am a big fan of Maxie (though she has been annoying the hell out of me as of lately), and when Robin started telling her off for fucking Lucky and giving him pills and pretending to be pregnant, numerous feelings ran through me. One being: back off bitch. Where do you get off attacking Maxie for something she has dealt with and moved on from? When all Maxie is doing is telling you how scared she was when you made her take YOUR child, your dying child, to the hospital. She's trying to tell you to get the help you so desperately need. And you? You attack her for being a self-absorbed bitch, basically, which is something right now she doesn't need to hear from someone she admires (God only knows why she admires you to begin with)

The second thing I want to say about Robin's rant: Whore definitely ate that shit up. Robin started talking about Maxie and Lucky, and Whore was sitting there going "Yes. I can play the victim. Everyone...LOOK AT ME!" Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But, let's be honest. While a normal person would sit there getting an unnecessary sick feeling in their stomach because Robin feels the need to unleash the past, Whore definitely sat there going, "yes. This is about me." She loves the attention like that.

I just totally unnecessarily bashed Whore.

I'm not even going to harp on this anymore. Robin is getting help. Maybe she won't come back as much as a loon as she is now. I think they totally ruined Robin and I don't know how she would be able to pull out of this a likeable character. We'll have to see how this goes, although I just want it to completely end so I can move on with my life.

God. I don't even know what else took place during this episode. Did anything?

Oh, Ethan and Luke. I know I'm like the only person in the entire world, and I'm waiting for Kelli or Toph to yell at me or make fun of me for this, but I really like Ethan. I don't know why. Don't even try asking me to explain to you why. I have no idea. I just do. And I have this like...old man crush on Luke. Like hardcore, I'm in love with Luke Spencer. So I enjoyed their boring scenes that I really don't care about together, only because I got to watch them. Not really much to say about it, other than Luke, to me, as per usual, looked yummy.

As for the Carly-pregnancy stuff, I just want to say that I really like Sonny. Lately, he's a bit of a moron, but I really like him. And I guess I understand he's overly concerned for Carly, because let's face it, they are Carly and Sonny and he's always going to overly care about her. But he needs to back off. He has nothing to do with this pregnancy or the choices that go along with it. And telling Jason to tell Carly to terminate? That was crossing the line, don't you think?

I really want Carly to have this baby. And I don't want Claudia to have hers. If it's the other way around, I might really attack someone. Or write a really strongly worded letter with lots of underlining and exclamation points. I mean business!

In other random news: I tweeted to Sarah Joy Brown about my thoughts on Claudia needing to find better people to hire as hitmen who aren't complete idiots, and she agreed:

SarahJoyBrown: Me 2! RT @sarahjoybrown no offense, but i think claudia needs to find new hit men. the ones she has suck, apparently. (via @Nicole_Melleby)

Okay. I'm done rambling.

KeMo: Hurry back from Vegas. I freaking miss you.

Neurotically yours,

1 comment:

  1. Awh, in that cap Sam is talking to Patrick about Jason helping her through baby Lila's death. <3 That was a great scene.

    (This episode was boring.)
