Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hello, all. Well, being as miss Kelli's introduction was fairly long, I'll do my best to keep mine short. I'm not as interesting as Kelli or as witty as Toph, but you get to listen to me ramble on anyway.

I'm basically a General Hospital newbie. While my mom's been watching for as long as I can remember, so it has constantly been on the T.V., I didn't start watching until October 31st of this year. JaSam had their scene together, and Kelli told me to watch so I could give them ratings, so I did. I didn't even really watch. I just put the T.V. on.

But the gun toting duo dressed in leather caught my attention, and since then, I have been school-ed by both Kelli and Topher on General Hospital (mainly JaSam/Sam) history. I've also done my research. Since then, I've watched billions of clips and storylines via youtube, as well as started consistently watching what's on air now. I'm by all means no expert, but I think it's safe to say I've seen enough to have a legit opinion.

I am a Sam McCall fan first, and it's because of that this blog exists in the first place. New to General Hospital fandom, I stumbled across a blog that wasn't exactly friendly to my girl. Pissing me off, Toph and I decided we should just start our own blog, and have Kelli come along for the ride.

Moving on. I could go into the characters I like and dislike, but I feel like that would be a little redundant, seeing as Toph and Kelli both pretty much have gotten that covered. Also, I'd keep in mind that we are making our opinions on certain characters very clear right from the get go, and yes, we will continue to be biased throughout this entire blog. If you don't like it, just don't read. We aren't going to go soft. At all.

Just to further that point:

(and I totally went easy on her, I could have posted much worse)
(p.s....if you type "anti-Elizabeth Webber" into google, a lot of pictures of shampoo bottles come up. I don't know why. But I found it randomly amusing enough to tell you)

So that's me. Also, since I am new to General Hospital and I'm sure there are many brilliant storylines (much better than the crap on T.V. now) that I have yet to stumble across in my journeys, and if you'd like to suggest one to me, I'll totally take the time to watch and rant/rave all about it here.

So, I need to go to work so I'm going to wrap this up. Basically: welcome to my, Kelli, and Toph's opinions. Don't like them? Go away. Elizabeth "Whore" Webber fan? Go away. Consider this our disclaimer.

Neurotically yours,
Lewd, Syph, or whatever the hell you want to call me.


  1. Hee. I love that icon, and this was a great intro post. Now I'm *always* gonna think of shampoo when I'm unfortunate enough to think of whore.

  2. Random shampoo shit. That's ALWAYS good. I love that you're our noob but you're just as obsessed as us. Sigh, we've taught you well, Grasshopper. EEEEE! First actual blog today! I loved the anti-jiz icon.. and as you said.. you could have been harsher. You should have, but that's just the bitch in me coming out. Lovely disclaimer. This is going to be fun. :)
